[centre][h2][colour=DAA520]Yui Ren[/colour][/h2][/centre] [hr] Just like that, the fighting was over. Yui sighed, and coughed a few times to clear the gunsmoke from her lungs, before sheathing her sword. Returning to her rifle, she reloaded it before de-tensioning the hammer spring and slinging it over her back. [colour=DAA520]”Well [i]that[/i] was fun,”[/colour] She said to no-one in particular. [colour=DAA520]”Puts a bit of a damper on the chance that Lord Whoever is still alive though.”[/colour] She spotted the Boss, and back up, going over to talk with the new arrivals so she left him to it; besides, [i]she[/i] would be far more useful at range should the Man Mountain and his friend do something stupid…assuming they lived long enough for her to bring weapon to bear. Instead, she joined Stephan in checking dead Snake Men. [colour=DAA520]”Find anything good?”[/colour] She asked, poking at the headless body of the first archer she hit. Desert dwellers rarely had anything that was of great value to the civilized world, but if she lucked out one of them might have a vial of the poison they used, and she was pretty sure she knew a guy who would pay well for that; what [i]he[/i] wanted it for wasn’t her concern. Not finding anything worthwhile on the first body, she moved on to the next one. [colour=DAA520]”HA!...[i]shit…[/i]”[/colour] The next body [i]did[/i] have a little vial of sorts, but when she lifted it to her ear and shook it, it was pretty clear that the vial was essentially empty; still, she stuffed it into a belt pouch just in case, before moving on. [@Arthanus]