[center][h2][color=5ec4b3]Kagan Galegar[/color][/h2][sub]Husband of Aubree Lamay[@Ellion] and Adorabella Orchard[@eclecticwitch] Interacting with [b]Aubree[/b] and [b]Adorabella[/b][/sub][/center] Kagan eyed Adorabella as she presented herself, unsuprised by her boldness but not displeased by it exactly either. The gown had done more to hide her figure than he'd realized, though Kagan was unlikely to complain that the hourglass figure fit her frame despite her size. [color=5ec4b3]"It does."[/color] He says simply, feeling the water level quake slightly as Adora enter his bath as he kept his eyes glued on her until her form disappeared beneath the water. Kagan could feel a small ball of disappointment form in his gut as his view became obstructred, but it was quickly forgotten as he turned to check on Bree. She was such a quiet thing, and he'd hardly heard her as she stepped in to the bath. She was thinner than her sister, almost frail by comparison if you asked the Kinner. [color=5ec4b3][i]"Shyer to..."[/i][/color] He notes to himself, as the redhead quickly curled in on herself as she settled into the tub, offering him his now refilled glass after a shiver or two. He takes it, moving it to the opposing hand as he leans back into the tub's wall. [color=5ec4b3]"Of course...Your sister bride is no worse off than yourself."[/color] He half growls as he sips slowly, not really having any true interest in the wine at the moment. He remains quiet for a few moments, feeling the water heat further as the fire beneath them began to transfer what heat it could. Watching intently as Adora undid her hair with painstaking thoroughness and Bree slowly began to unfurl to the warmth of the bath. He'd be lying if the idea of pouncing on either of them hadn't crossed his mind atleast a few dozen times in the few short moments of silence, helped none by the occasional brush against his leg from one of the two. The silence was broken first by Adora, and Kagan was about to answer when Bree shot forward with a comment. It caught him off guard, as up till then the redhead had been nothing if not demure, so the attack on Adora's virtue seemed to come out of the blue. Normally, he'd let something like this fly. It was always good to let ones servants establish their own pecking order, but Bree's comment was, as far as Kagan was concerned, more an insult to HIS property than anything else. A piece of his property which was a Royal gift no less. He gently places a hand on Bree's shoulder, silently cutting off whatever reprisal Adora was preparing to fire back if any. [color=5ec4b3]"Play nice with your sister."[/color] He growls softly, not wanting to scare the Gem more than was needed to make his point. [color=5ec4b3]"She is as much mine as you are...And whatever experience she has over you will matter very little after tonight."[/color] He adds, leaning forward and kissing Bree. It was clumsy and devoid of any real tenderness. But it was as more a reminder to the Gem of her place rather than anything else. And perhaps a small reward for her attempt at dominance, even if the execution annoyed him. He retracts, leaning back into his spot in the tub and removing his hand from Bree to take another sip of wine. [color=5ec4b3]"If you're so eager to prove you're the better."[/color] He says quietly to the redhead, feigning disinterest as he rolls the wine around in his cup lazily. [color=5ec4b3]"Then you will be first tonight."[/color] [hider=Summary] Kagan admires his new Gems bods. Adora is curvy smol bean and Bree proves to be tall an elegant as expected from both. He enjoys the view for a few moments before attempting to defuse Bree's cattiness. Reminding her she doesnt have enough footing in the house hold to be the Alpha bitch just yet. We will probably be cutting to black soon. [/hider]