If all his fantasies were going to come true right now, Ryan would definitely appreciate every song on the album also coming together instantly, thanks. He was just miraculously up on his luck today. It still felt so... wrong, that it took them this much time to get it together. Ryan was half impressed at his own level of self control, considering that most of the time he was around Brendon, he was just finding reasons to love him more. [i]No kidding, when I first met you, that was all that was on my mind. Amongst other things.[/i] Ryan barely gave him space to talk, still planting wisps of kisses at the corner of his mouth even as he spoke, but still laughed at the anecdote - then the implication. Apparently Brendon got comfortable very quickly. [b]"Really? I guess [i]I'm[/i] the blind one - took me a while to even consider you might be interested. And... I'm curious about these 'other things.'"[/b] Laughing, he watched as Brendon relaxed, practically pliant under his hands, and wondered if he'd ever be able to exist more than a foot away from him at any given time again. It really was turning into a less than savory setting, though, especially for whatever [i]this[/i] was, but Ryan could only come up with some vague concern. [i]On the contrary...[/i] Ryan practically melted against him speaking so close before reminding himself to [i]calm down,[/i] then dipped his own head until his forehead was pressed against Brendon's neck, too. [i]There are better places to do this.[/i] Agreed. Moving to a more comfortable location would take too much time, too much brainpower, and plus, what if Spencer and Jon were up, just waiting to catch them in the midst of their trek to either of their rooms? Ryan was fairly certain he couldn't try and play it casual even while they were walking in, or at least not at the moment; if they went now, he'd definitely be clingy as hell, couldn't help it. Or maybe he wasn't giving himself credit and he actually could stay away for, like, thirty seconds. Either way he didn't really want to test his limits now. Luckily Brendon didn't seem to intent on moving either, evidenced by him getting more comfortable with his arms thrown nonchalantly over Ryan's shoulders. [i]I love you.[/i] Ryan easily went with the guidance of his kiss, grinning so hard he kind of lost his center, and since his smile was messing it up anyway he figured he could talk just barely against Brendon's lips. [b]"I love you,"[/b] he answered breezily, eyes shut and lashes stark against his cheeks. Barely a moment passed before he was laughing again, soft and curious. [b]"I've wanted to say that [i]forever[/i] - god, now I won't be able to stop."[/b] 'Forever' was maybe a little dramatic, considering it'd been less than a year, even, but. Now he was just thinking about how they could be in an interview or something and all he'd be focusing on was Brendon, how all he'd be able to say to him even in public would be followed up by 'I love you' at some point or another. Well, that's how things looked now, anyway. Ryan maybe needed some time to get used to this. He probably reacted so strongly to it all because he'd never experienced anything quite like how he felt for Brendon. Mostly he'd had brief girlfriends who had their own ambitious careers, who stuck by his side for appearances and wanted to get big just as much as he did but couldn't find anyone more successful yet. There were one or two long-term relationships that measured up to a year and a half at most, but then half of it was bogus anyway, and all his 'love' was for some idealized version of the person rather than whoever they actually were. Brendon, though, started out pure and unadulterated, then he just continued earning Ryan's favor over time. He somehow veered off the road of platonic love that Spencer followed so carefully and dutifully, and Ryan had no idea how. Then again it's not like he thought [i]Spencer[/i] was the most attractive person on Earth when he first saw him. They were, like, five. Brendon got lucky with the timing, probably. Ryan's thumb brushed over a collection of water droplets on Brendon's cheekbone, trailing it off into his hairline. [b]"[i]I'm not complaining that it's raining...[/i]"[/b] He was smiling, but from his joke he started to hear a melody in his head that matched the words Brendon had written and he already memorized. Suddenly the song was upbeat in his head whereas before he'd anticipated it to be slow, not solemn per se but calm at the very least. And, because his mind was going a million miles a minute, he once again fell off topic despite every other force within him telling him to just keep kissing Brendon since it was easier. [b]"I feel like maybe we did this out of order. Should I have taken you on a date first? Does watching the sunset count as a date?"[/b] Not that he was really watching the sunset so much as pretending the sun's brilliant painting against the sky was as beautiful as the boy to his right, but. Whatever. He was pretty sure Brendon hadn't been watching, either, considering he had to keep finding the right moment to look over without their gazes meeting and Brendon catching him in the act.