[center] [img]https://s14.postimg.cc/n9rk234mp/Tafun3.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Chaska Wolf [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6'2 [b]Build:[/b] Ripped [b]Digivice Color:[/b] Blood Red with Gold Accents [b]Personality:[/b] [i]As a little boy Chaska was well-mannered, polite, and amiable. He was a prone to helping others, experimental and curious about everything the world had to offer. In his most recent times Chaska became darker, isolated, haughty, obnoxious, cunning, and rude. These was overshadowed by how hot tempered, irrational, and physically violent behavior.But after all of this in very slim moments you can witness him show forms of compassion and love.[/i] [b]Backstory:[/b] [i] Chaska grew up the youngest of two in mansion on the country side. In his home was his mother, father, his older sister, and the employees. Chaska was praised and inconvenience by many people for his parents achievements as a child. He could never tell if many of these people wanted to be his friend, or just get closer to his parents. When he reached eleven he had already began to pave his own road to fame obtaining academic rewards, and athletic trophies. Chaska finally found himself and others like him he could genuinely call friends. He attended a exclusive institution for the wealthy from the young age of three. There he develop his intellect and body with the help of Team of tutors, professors, specialist, and coaches. He held a strict schedule from dusk to dawn training and learning how to take over his family business. This team and parents had great hopes that he would carry his family corporation to the next level in society. With Chaska receiving so much attention, his older sister began become enrage with anger and disgust for him. Anytime Chaska could get to himself he spent his time in his sanctuary, it was a waterfall that lied on the edge of his family property line. One faithful day Chaska 15th birthday to be exact his sister snap. This day Chaska was in his sanctuary, when he was attacked by his older sister, he didn't even raise his hands as his sister beat him over and over. This attack continued over and over for months on end. Naturally his sister grew even more furious with him feeling as if Chaska thought she wasn't worth him raising his hand against her. She wanted to kill him she was blind with pain and rage. She couldn't see that he knew why she was angery with him and he didn't fault her for the way she felt. He would endure the pain if that meant she would feel better afterwards. Eventually one of his teachers followed him and witness this occurring without hesitation the teacher struck the older sister down accidentally killing her. She died instantly feeling no pain after hitting her head on near by rock. In return Chaska attacked his teacher, resulting in serious bodily harm. It became a big deal and during the investigation it was reported in the news. The story announced that the wolf family was attacked and was a victim of burglary gone bad, the teacher was charged with murder. Three months after his catastrophe Chaska slowly became a total different person, he became more isolated and didn't hang around his friends. He still continued his time studying, practicing material arts, meditating and playing sports. Chaska continued receiving rewards in academics, and breaking records, during his down time he traveled the world. Meeting many different people and learning many things. After a year passed he soon meet a young girl that he eventually became close to. Even though the girl was being bullied and attacked by other little kids she kept smiling. Chaska at first disliked the girl because of her happiness, curiosity, and smile, but after seeing the young girl being able to survive his training methods he grew close to the girl. Two years passed with Chaska going back and fourth to see and train the girl. One day Chaska came home from visiting the girl and in his room was a box address to the little girl. It appeared that the girl had sent it from her house to his and Chaska mother place the unopened box in his room. Chaska opened the box and to his dismay was a toy looking device it was pink and white. Upon examining the device, it began to glow bright. Energy began to rise from the device surrounding the room, and pulling him in. It was warm to the touch embracing him, pulling him in like a warm mothers embracing a child with a hug. Chaska resisted it as much as he could like a child throwing a tantrum, until he was physically warned out. Chaska gave in and approach the device starred, and then picked the device up. The device was scorching hot but he couldn't let it go. The color of the device begnan to change to a blood red and gold color.[/i] [center] ~ [b]X[/b] ~ [/center] [center] [img]https://s14.postimg.cc/dcgj8wezl/158px-_Agumonx_re.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Digimon:[/b] Agumon X[/center] [center][b]Digimon Name:[/b] Nyx[/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Nyx to Chaska is like a child trying to prove themselves to their parent, or like a Knight is to royalty. Nyx has her own values that she try to uphold as long as it don't interfere with Chaska wishes. Those values are loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Courage. Nyx is extremely loyal to Chaska and will willingly sacrifice herself for him. Nyx is humble and modest about her position as a living sacrifice, believing it is her sole duty and purpose in life to serve Chaska. Its difficult to physically get close to Chaska at any point of time. Becoming to close will cause Nyx to go from carefree to intensely hostile and she will begin to carry out her mission of eradicating you. While Nyz is a cautious and stingy digimon, she would always try to plan ahead and control details beforehand in order to avoid any haphazard actions that can endanger Chaska existence. As she is loyal to Chaska, she then acts with a certain degree of nobility, Nonetheless, she only does things that will benefit Chaska or herself above all else, whether its information or prestige. Although she does have a sense of justice and does not hate humans, however Nyx holds no deep attachment to them, and she feels nothing toward their deaths. Nyx did not view humanity as an enemy, but she could kill human beings with no hesitation for the sake of her and Chaska goals. Even so, she want to avoid conflict with other people and digimon especially the ones who only wish to protect their own. She became a lot more vigilant and hostile against others, digimon and other foes that could possibly harm Chaska in the near future. Aside from Chaska, the only other people or digmon, Nyx will show most concerned for were anyone Chaska considered friends. [b]Digivolution Line |[/b] [list] [*] [url=https://wikimon.net/Botamon]Botamon[/url] [*] [url=https://wikimon.net/Koromon]Koromon[/url] [*] [url=https://wikimon.net/Agumon_X-Antibody]Agumon X[/url] [*] [url=https://wikimon.net/Greymon_X-Antibody]Greymon X[/url] [*] [url=https://wikimon.net/Master_Tyranomon]Master Tyranomon[/url] [*] [url=https://wikimon.net/Examon]Examon[/url][/list]