[center][h3][sub][b]E V A N D E R W H I T E M A N E[/b][/sub][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EqOFKC8.jpg?1[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Windward Island[/b] Port Harbor, the Sunken Shepherd [@Mcmolly][/color][hr][/right] A small laugh escaped his lips as Solia questioned whether he disapproved of her request, [color=A9CCE3]"I wouldn't worry, I'm from the frozen sea. We built a way of life around the idea of being forward."[/color] He waited a second before continuing, considering her praise. [color=A9CCE3]"I can steer a ship well enough. Which, I suppose could come in useful if you lot are determined to investigate that storm."[/color] He considered her next words carefully, however, for they revealed much about the person he was speaking with. Selfless, caring, and somewhat uncertain. She couldn't possibly be a diver, he thought, she was far too well-meaning. The divers he had encountered were so often in it only for themselves, at the end of the day. Concerned only with their drive and hope for personal glory and wealth. Then again, he was a diver too, though he hadn't taken a contract in years. Evander had never found himself particularly bothered by the promises of wealth and artifacts that accompanied each one. Above all else, he sought honest work. Evander sat forward somewhat, intrigued. Resting a hand on the underside of the seat, he shuffled his chair closer to the table without standing. He studied the figure opposite him from this new angle, having become particularly interested in the mystery that surrounded her. Why was she not with the divers? Where had she come from? Was she really so generous? For what did she require bandages? Many such thoughts whizzed through his mind, though he felt that bombarding her with so many questions would not be appreciated. [color=A9CCE3]"I'm Evander, by the way, and I don't really consider Reballo a [i]captain[/i] so much as a..."[/color] He quietened the words that followed, though remarked something along the lines of instead considering him to be a conman. Changing the subject, he leaned against the back of his chair. [color=A9CCE3]"That's awfully generous of you, though. Not many would be so... selfless."[/color] He wagged his finger toward her gently, holding a slight smirk as he continued, [color=A9CCE3]"I'm going to wager you're not a diver."[/color] Evander couldn't help but lean forward once again and fold his arms atop the table, visibly displaying his interest at the answer which would follow. [color=A9CCE3]"But if I'm right, and you're not a diver, then what? It's not often you'll find do-gooders roaming the seas these days."[/color]