[quote=@Dusksong] A glimpse of an antler sent Camden sprinting into the bushy plain behind him, avoiding patchy snow in favor of grassy ground as he ran towards the mirage he’d seen, slowing to a walk when he was within ten meters. Behind another bush was the Stantler he’d seen, its gaze apathetically watchful as Camden approached Resting on the ground, it waited patiently as Camden closed the few meters between them, rising to its feet only when Camden was within two meters distance of it. Its eyes held polite interest rather than fear as Camden’s hand slowly went into his pocket, producing a Pokeball that he held up to show the Stantler. And, when Camden threw the ball—underhand, with careful, measured strength—it remained equally calm, allowing itself to be enveloped in red light. [i]You understand what I’m trying to do,[/i] Camden thought with excited apprehension as the Pokeball fell on the forest floor, rocking in place. [i]So, please, agree with it too.[/i] [/quote] The young Stantler had accidentally ran away from the herd. He had never heard the sound of a car engine before, but by the time he reached the highway, the car that he heard was long gone. He looked back, and they were gone. His entire family was gone. Alone and scared, he found a nearby bush and decided to lay down and rest. Perhaps they would come back when they realized he was missing. An hour later, there was no sign of his herd; he was alone. That's when Camden came along. The young human seamed nice enough. Maybe he would be able to help him find his family. As Camden approached, Stantler rose to his feet. The young man then produced a Pokeball. Stantler was intrigued by the strange looking fruit. He sure was hungry. Camden tossed the Pokeball, pulling Stantler inside with a red light. From the outside, Camben and Liz watched the Pokeball as it shook on the ground. Once... twice... three times... then *[b]POP![/b]*... Stantler was free. From Stantler's point of view however, there was no struggle. There was only a red light, followed by a split second of darkness. One second later, the darkness lifted. [b]"What was that?!"[/b] He wondered. The young man, Camden, then produced another strange fruit. Even more curious now, Stantler just watched as Camden tossed the fruit toward him. Once again, the world went dark before returning back to normal. "Okay." Stantler thought to himself. [b]"That's no fruit. What are those things?"[/b] But before he could think any more on it, the young man tossed another Pokeball. For a third time, the world went dark... then [b]*Pop!*[/b]. Confused and scared, the young Pokemon began to back away from the human. Then came the call of his father, a larger Stantler. Stantler turned to the sound of his father's call. The sight brought joy to his heart. His entire heard stood at the top of the hill. His father stood in front, proud and in command. Completely forgetting about the human in front of him, he ran away, to rejoin his herd... his family. Then, they disappeared over the hill. Result #1: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/8742]No Catch[/url] Result #2: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/8743]Try Again[/url] Result #3: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/8744]Sorry, No Dice[/url] [hr] [b][color=fff79a]Two Hours Later[/color][/b] The group was boarding the bus. They had been out in the cold for four hours and after all that time, they only saw a glimpse of the heard they were tracking. The young man named Camden had failed to catch one, and no one else even got a chance. Next stop, Norilsk Airport, where they would have lunch and then try again. This time, their target would be [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Paras_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Paras[/url]. {[b]Quick Note for [@Zarkun][/b]: [i]Okay, you're up![/i])