Lilianna watched the fight with disinterest, making note of things and prioritizing them for the post combat examinations. River was in play here somewhere, his magic moving water and ice around the monster. They would need to talk. She would meet up with him at the giant's corpse and discuss what he learned after her evaluation of the monster. Two Inquisitor's went flying as the beast flailed about and, although the hist seemed relatively ineffective, she'd spare a moment or two looking over them. She'd brushed off seemingly inconsequential injuries before. She still took flowers to graves for that. The beast's chanting grabbed her attention and she frowned. Father of blood, granter of life, strength, and resolve. Not a deity she was familiar with but she also ignored all her religious training. Lilianna made a mental note to send an inquiry home. Maybe this entity showed up in their mythology as well. She watched as Gil shoved a spear into its chest but more importantly, she watched as it worked its way into the beast and subsequently righted itself. Lilianna waited a few moments as the dust settled, moving immediately on command towards it. She gathered her magic and paused as a voice ripped through her mind. She snapped her mannerisms into professional detachment, despite the cold dread at its words. It called out the Inquisition and insisted that they knew it. For a force dedicated to combating the quintessence of evil and corruption, that couldn't bode well for the world. She feared the worst but the Beast had been slain ages ago. Right? [color=f7976a]“We are checking out you injuries before we move out. Keep that in mind.”[/color] She responded to Ardur as she moved towards the monster again, gathering the air around her and speaking into it. [color=f7976a]“Anyone who maintained injuries from the fight, remove yourself from the field until myself or another medic clears you. All other Inquisitors need join me at the monster's corpse. I will be debriefing as I examine. Any other information will be discussed afterwards.”[/color] She released the air around her with a gentle push. It wound around the field, carrying her words-sharp and precise, leaving no room for discussion-to everyone involved. She stood over the creature's corpse and spent a few moments looking it over as she waited for her fellow Inquisitors. Once appeased most of her comrades had arrived, Lilianna positioned herself to touch the exposed portion of the creature. Light shone brightly at her hand before receding into the creature itself. Her magic tapped at the spear as it sank into the creature's flesh, immediately recoiling before carefully poking it once again. Power thrummed within it, warped and off. It seemed... out of place. Not in the sense that one found their belongs rearranged with no memory of moving them but rather out of place in a sense that it has stopped in a place where movement is expected but everything has stilled for far too long. It felt like a long stretch of road, with only a single home near its edge, in the middle of the night. It felt like the shadows between the trees that only play when there is nothing else to see. Lilianna yanked her magic away from it and sent it through the creature. She fought the urge to frown as her magic tapped and tugged and zipped through it. [color=f7976a]“Initial examination reveals the subject's skin has fused with the inner plating of the armor. Most organs present severe scarring, similar to rapid growth corruption victims. Muscles have experienced severe atrophy, suggesting the subject has failed to move in an indeterminable amount of time. Despite this, the subject's arteries have been artificially enlarged in order to accommodate an increased blood flow and new growth veins and capillaries are fortified against bursting. The skeletal structure seems as little more than a place to anchor the internal organs. Nearly every bone suffers from multiple stress fractures, with the exception of the skull and spine. Both are abnormally strong, likely reinforced through similar means to the arteries. The subject is male and human. Age is currently indeterminable without further examination.” [/color]She drew back and turned to the other Inquisitors. [color=f7976a]“In short, looking in this man's direction should have killed him. And yet he lasted against a unit of trained soldiers and massacred an entire city. The only explanation I can offer is that the magic that protected him must have also sustained him in some fashion. That being said, what insight do we have on the magics that have been employed thus far?” [/color]