The few, hurried sips of the tea delivered to the table by the waiter was enough to hold Andromeda over as they traveled through the murky tunnels behind Siofra. The brunette wasn't much of a neatnik (though [b]no one[/b] was anything near it compared to Serge), but she preferred not to be tromping through rat shit if it could be helped. Still, she followed behind calmly enough, with the occasional tensing of the muscles every time anyone passed by. Their leader didn't seem to have any problem with it, however, and soon Andi realized they were probably just as much put on guard by their presence as vice versa. Eventually they reached what she supposed was the techie's front door, and after completing the necessary security checks, the door opened to reveal a blur of a young girl eager to greet her sister. The scene was sweet enough, but even as Andromeda couldn't help the little smile as she observed the affection, there was something else in her expression that was hard to place. The ambivalence was quick to disappear, and if anyone had bothered to give her a second glance, they would have just seen a bemused grin as they entered into the place and made the necessary introductions. Lily was cute and quite eager, the youthful energy refreshing after spending most of her time with operatives or no one at all - barring the one night stands that were really strictly physical. The other two probably thought she was being superfluous the way she enthusiastically responded to the girl's tour, all warm smiles and positive exclamations when necessary. She was even a little sympathetic when she was finally caught in her act, and as the group disbanded from the tour, a slightly confused Andi found herself murmuring to no one in particular, "Wow. Being grounded is almost a foreign concept to me, now..." With the woman of the house off to do her own thing, Andromeda found herself wandering over to the long couch and sinking into it. It was obvious that the tone had changed, and it was time to get some work done. Lucky for her, she knew just the person that might get them some more answers for the job. "I may have a lead," she announced to whoever was leftover nearby as she slipped her phone from her side pocket. It looked to be the grey outline of half a rectangle resting in her palm, though when she pressed her thumb against its bottom mass, a digital screen unfolded itself upward, filling out the rest of the shape. "Might be able to get us some inside information on this whole thing... Let's see if he's awake." Having already pulled up a blank message screen, Andromeda began to touch the pad, which gave slight buzzes with every letter: [indent][indent][indent][indent][sub][color=#ddd1be]TO: DARWIN HAYES DARWY BABY! HOPE U HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT ME. FREE TONIGHT? I'M FEELING A LITTLE LONELY...[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/INDENT][/INDENT]