[sub]Disclaimer: This is just as much a fact about myself as it is about one of my closest friends offsite who happens to be a member of the Guild[/sub] So, to go off of what Harbinger had just said about early creative experiences, I wouldn't be the writer here nor have most of the catalog of characters that I have now had it not been for this particular friend of mine introducing me to Kingdom Hearts. As odd as that might seem to outsiders, through my love of this video game series, I found a fansite for it that, in some unforeseen circumstances, introduced me to this thing called Roleplaying. This was back in 2008, mind you. It was likely, 10 years to this hour, I was finding out about this thing that, though it was oblivious to me, would shape my foreseeable future. And though I often wonder what my life would've been like had I not found roleplaying, I also know that I wouldn't want it to turn out any other way. It was destiny that I found my love for roleplaying, just as it was destiny that I [i]still[/i] have a deep love for the Kingdom Hearts series. It's a full-circle-kind-of-thing, I tell ya.