[color=green]"Well, I guess if you don't want to lie, Kismet..."[/color] Tam said grudgingly. His own interpretation of 'honouring' the god of Truth mostly involved just [i]knowing[/i] what the truth was, whether or not you spoke it. But nevertheless he had to respect this hard path of honesty she seemed to be walking. [color=green]"... it seems like Durwith has the right idea."[/color] He paused. [color=green]"[i]About splitting up[/i],"[/color] he added firmly, pleased at the description of himself as 'roguishly charming', but rather resenting the dwarf's implication that he had the attention span of a gnat. He wasn't too perturbed by the insinuations of either Durwith or Saxan. The half-elf had a gift of fortuitous deafness any time something was mentioned that he didn't want to hear. [color=green]"Saxan, Kismet and I will speak to the nobles, you two can speak to the guard. It's near noon now. Let's meet in the tavern at the second bell of the afternoon. Come on Saxan!"[/color] He grabbed at his friend's sleeve, heedless that this might not fit with Saxan's gravitas, and near dragged the heavy dragonborn away. As the three of them wended their way towards the smarter districts of the town[color=PowderBlue]*[/color], he considered what exactly they should say to the noble families. [color=green]"Should we tell them that we think that Sheila didn't write all of that note? Oh! And whose parents should we go and see first?"[/color] [hider=*] [@Caitimus] do we need to roll to find the correct house? If not, can we just assume that we're outside the door of whoever [@Claw2k11] or [@Delta44] chooses? [/hider]