[h3][color=ff0000]Goblin Ren[/color][/h3] [color=ff0000]Hunting /// Midmorning-Noon // Day 4[/color] [@Jangel13] [i][u]Day 4[/u] - [/i] Successfully wounding the Horned Rabbit, Ren knew that it wouldn't try to run. Ren leapt back, taking a low stance as the Rabbit reeled around to face it's attacker. Just as he readied his killing blow, Ren realized that the Rabbit's only weapon was it's horn, so logically, he knew it would charge him. This would was the perfect chance, crouching low, and sinking back, Ren readied himself to thrust his spear into the rabbit's charge; not only would this be an effective way to kill the Rabbit, but since his spear had much more range than the Rabbit's horn, he would be reasonably safe with this strategy as well. Somehow, Ren felt as if he'd seen this type of strategy before, like in a movie.... What the hell was a movie? Ren was probably just making it up, and quickly refocused himself on the fight at hand.