Apologies for the double post but I wanted the following statement to stand out. A common issue that plagues RPs is when members of the rp get preoccupied with life and can not, or no longer wish to, post. That's something that is unavoidable and will always happen. I can't even promise as the creator of this rp that I will always be here. However I will be designing certain elements to make it where [s]KoK[/s] (okay just realized how bad of an acronym that is) Kingdoms of Khoyee is able to proceed regardless of who drops out or not. Think of Kingdoms of Khoyee being more like a set of rules and lore rather than a single rp. Campaigns will come and go, all of which impacting the world of Khoyee, but time goes on. By this I mean we will be working with a year system. The time will start as Spring of year 15. Time will progress along with the campaigns currently running. If those campaigns come to an end either because the party members died or users have become inactive, the remaining party members can start a new campaign picking up at the time that the world is currently in. So say we start with just one party, one campaign, if you guys play until winter of year 15 and another group of people want to join and form their own party, they will be picking up in winter of year 15. Any events the original party has caused to happen are set in stone, so if you let a group of bandits destroy the settlement that was by the starting location of the campaign, the next party won't have the option to go to that settlement because it's already destroyed. Say that original party has disbanded but one member wants to keep playing, they could go off and do their own thing or try to join that second party that is still playing their campagin. I hope that makes sense and if you guys have any questions do let me know! ------ Edit #1: Added the beginning of a Bestiary. Stats and damage specifics are subject to change and will be altered through play. [hider= Bestiary] [u]Tier I[/u] [b]Wolves[/b] Common creatures of the Eastern Forest and are often found in large packs of five or more. Aura: 0 Health: 30 Stun Resist: 25 Pierce Resist: 0 [i]Attacks and Abilities[/i] Bite - |Melee| (15 Raw) Bites a single target [b]Dyrk[/b] These creatures are similar to wolves though much larger and the majority of their fur is towards the front of their bodies, creating a large mane like appearance. This thick hide towards the front helps protect their vitals which are often targeted by other Dyrk in territory and pack fights. They are pack animals, much like their wolf relatives, though typically smaller packs. Aura: 0 Health: 60 Stun Resist: 50 Pierce Resist: 0 [i]Attacks and Abilities[/i] Bite - |Melee| (20 Raw + 5 Piercing) Bites a single target [b]Kabold[/b] These lizard like humanoids tend to spend most of their lives within dark caves and caverns. They are known for harassing miners throughout Khoyee. Aura: 20 Health: 40 Stun Resist: 25 Pierce Resist: 2 [i]Attacks and Abilities[/i] Claw - |Melee| (20 Raw) Claws a single target Toss - |Ranged| (15 Raw + 10 Stun) Tosses a rock at a single target [b]Scorch Beetle[/b] A beetle the size of a shield, navy blue in color with a red tint. These beetles can exhale an acidic vapor that singes the skin. In the front of their mouth they have a set of pincers that when struck together, ignite the vapor that the breath, scorching the area in front of them, hence their name. Like other winged beetles the Scorch Beetle can fly, however only short distances and is typically a means of traveling between trees. Aura: 20 Health: 80 Stun Resist: 50 Pierce Resist: 0 [i]Attacks and Abilities[/i] Scorch - |Ranged| |AoE - 3 Meter cone| (40 Fire) Grasp - |Physical - 5 Meters| |Status| Flies and grabs onto a single target, doubling the damage of scorch to that target [b]Scorch Beetle - Hive[/b] Some Scorch Beetles have large wasp hives across their back that prevent them from flying but provide a unique defense. The wasp and the beetle have a symbiotic relationship. The beetle generates heat creating a warm environment for the wasp and can quickly scorch small insects in the vicinity in front of it, providing a quick meal for the wasp of the hive. The wasp help harass and fend off larger predators that may otherwise harm the beetle. [i]Scorch Beetle[/i] Aura: 20 Health: 80 Stun Resist: 50 Pierce Resist: 0 [i]Hive[/i] Aura: 0 Health: 40 Stun Resist: Immune Pierce Resist: 0 [i]Attacks and Abilities[/i] Scorch - |Ranged| |AoE - 3 Meter cone| (40 Fire) Swarm - |Ranged| |Status| (15 Raw) per turn until hive is destroyed or the wasp get scorched [/hider] ------ Edit #2 4/24: I spent three hours last night coming up with formulas to balance weapons. So far I've got a good setup for unnamed swords (your basic longsword, shortsword, etc) and I'll be moving onto other weapons today. Edit #3: I've started on some of the roles in the rp. [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/c4f7/i/2018/114/9/e/roles_by_livingdreament-dc9puop.png[/img] Edit #4: I'll be changing creatures of the bestiary to have dice roll based damage. I was more so brainstorming what they would do before and I hadn't considered that their damage should be dice roll based just like player damage. Edit #5: Several typos and corrections made, also added a section about New Character + and expanded Chaos into its own section. [hider= New Character +] If your character dies you can choose to start anew or start as a [b]New Character +[/b]. If you want to continue playing with your current party it is recommended that you play as a [b]New Character +[/b]. New Character +: When a player dies they can pick back up as a New Character + in the next province their party reaches. This new character will start with higher stats than a brand new character but have lower stats than the character that died. General Level will be 25% lower than their previous character and all Role levels will reduced by one. Stat Points and Role Points can be spent as desired. When you die, and it doesn't look like the party will be wiped, you should take the time between battle and traveling to come up with your New Character + and give a reason for them to join up with your last character's party. Party Wipe: If your party is wiped it is up to you and your dm if you all start as new game + characters or start over with brand new characters. Killed by Players: If you are all killed by other players then there are additional rules to prevent both parties from killing each other over and over again until your levels are far lower. Refer to [i]Killing Players and Causing Chaos[/i] for more information. [/hider] [hider= Killing Players and Causing Chaos] [u]Chaos[/u] Beyond The North is the center of Chaos and the home of [i]Death Bringers[/i]. Death Bringers are not a specific race of creature, almost anything that comes from Beyond The North is referred to as a Death Bringer as they are the only Tier VI creatures you will encounter. These creatures are attracted to [i]Chaos[/i] and can wipe out armies and level cities. [i]Chaos[/i] is created by the suffering of people. Once Chaos hits a critical mass Death Bringers will march from Beyond The North and come to the source of the chaos. There they will remain until vanquished or the source of Chaos has been removed. [u]Causes of Chaos[/u] [list] [*]Killing NPCs - Killing NPCs be it in murder or through war, will generate chaos. +1 Chaos for every dead NPC. Because of this war can quickly generate Chaos, and if very powerful players and their armies go on a rampage, they will soon be hunted by Death Bringers. [*]Allowing NPCs to Die - NPCs can also die by other means other than war such as starvation, bandit raids, killed by beast and so on. This also generates +1 Chaos per death. [*]Killing Players - Killing players, seen as the heroes of the land, causes a lot of Chaos compared to NPCs. +20 Chaos per player killed. [/list] [u]Chaos Distribution[/u] Chaos comes in four different forms... [b]Personal Chaos[/b] Personal Chaos is measured in a [0/100] meter, when you hit [100/100] a Death Bringer will begin the hunt for you. [b]Party Chaos[/b] Party Chaos is also measured in a [0/100] meter and is equal to the total chaos each party member has as [i]Personal Chaos[/i]. If you have a party member that has 60 [i]Personal Chaos[/i] and another member with 30 [i]Personal Chaos[/i], then the whole party has [90/100] Chaos. If that meter hits 100 Death Bringers are coming for the whole party regardless of who did the killing. [b]Kingdom Chaos[/b] Kingdoms as a whole also have a measure of Chaos. Kingdom Chaos is measured [0/1,000]. This accounts for the players within the region but is mainly to track Chaos generated through war. If there is a battle and your kingdom kills 300 soldiers, your Kingdom now has [300/1000] Chaos. Unlike Personal and Party Chaos however it will dimminish over time, -10 Chaos per day. Death Bringers do not generate Chaos and thus if they attack a city and kill 500 NPCs they do not cause 500 Chaos. If you fend off an assault by Death Bringers your Kingdom Chaos resets to 0. Kingdom Chaos' key purpose is to prevent a single kingdom from conquering the world and preventing other players from having kingdoms of their own. It is possible that a Kingdom could fend off a Death Bringer, but it is unlikely that they could afford to wage war, fend off a Tier VI creature, and then go right back to waging war. [u]Player vs Player[/u] If players engage another group of players, the DMs of both parties must agree on the consequences of battle. Here are some suggestions... Friendly KO - Players upon hitting 0 Health are KO'd instead of being killed. Their bodies can not be looted. They will later recover after the other party has left. Hostile KO - Players upon hitting 0 Health are KO'd instead of being killed. Their bodies can be looted. They will later recover after the other party has left. Death - Players die upon hitting 0 health. The killer recieves +20 Chaos. If you are killed by a player, or party of players, then your New Character +, or New Character can [i]not[/i] go straight for revenge against the players that killed your last character. The Chaos system should get revenge for you and your party. This is to prevent players from going back and forth killing each other over and over until both parties are very low leveled. (It was also decided by your DM that you could be killed, if you did not like that decision please speak with your DM) [/hider]