I'm at my work on my phone. Changed a bit of it. Am of the mindset to let other players choose what diplomatic challenges Treblea has to start. Also, replaced fish resource with flatland horses on their plains. Can't officially edit in the horse bit from my phone unfortunately. Fish seems too OP to give a country that might end up being landl9cked when an official map is drawn. So if my nation wants fish, magic items, rice, masonry (they don't have quarries or stonemills yet), et al., then they'll have to either venture forth or get off their lazy asses and ride those horses to go trade with other nations. Lastly, in keeping with my "I won't create another charrie on RPGuild" bit, any and all citizen reps of Treblea are going to not be all that fleshed out by necessity. This restriction may be lifted if the Trebleans host a giant festival.