[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3u59yAbBa1r4kfic.gif[/img] [I][color=cyan]Location: The Xavier Institute[/color][/I][/center] [hr][hr] As Carolina ran towards the dorms where the other students were, she started to knock on doors and open the doors up as well looking at all of the students and anyone who were wondering the halls. [color=cyan]"Hey, we are evacuating OMEN is here, head down to the Blackbird!"[/color] Carolina yelled at them. [color=cyan]"Don't worry about your stuff, just get down there ASAP you can get it back at some point."[/color] Carolina said as she made her way down another hallway, they all nodded and started to make their way towards the hangar where the Blackbird was located. Carolina stopped in the hallway, seeing the massive Sentinel kneeling in front of the window luckily she wasn't where the windows were when the glass shot out. Seeing the group of students that they started to evacuate as well, seeing Lance using his powers Carolina ran up to see that it didn't have any effect on the massive hunter killer bot. [color=cyan]"We need to go to the Blackbird, did you guys get the rest out so far?"[/color] Carolina asked, crouching down, her powers weren't really combat use. And she was pretty sure that she couldn't simply possess them, unless they had a pilot on the inside. [hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][[/color] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/o0VVs736skEw/giphy.gif[/img] [I][color=696969]Location: Xavier Institute[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Beth looked towards Mary and gave her a quick nod as she quickly stepped up and started to extend her arms forward, using the shade from the mansion itself, as well as the surrounding trees. She was straining somewhat as she tried to raise them up to bring up a dark looking shield in front of them for protection. Bethany watched as one of the Sentinels shooting down Thalia, as well as Mary and Richard as well, it seemed that they weren't fatal? But Bethany wasn't a tech master. Bethany then moved one hand a tendril of shadow shot up and attempted to knock one of the Sentinels down. [color=696969]"Are you guys okay?"[/color] Beth asked looking over at Marygold and Thalia, then over at Richard, the two seemed to be butting heads on who should lead and who shouldn't. [color=696969]"We need to get a ride, as soon as possible if we are getting out of here on foot, while the others use the Blackbird to get out of here."[/color] Bethany said, as she did her best to try and knock the OMEN agents with the use of her abilities, [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=1E90FF]Future Carolina Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/c38b990c196dbae0d3eaac08b135f32a/tumblr_inline_mpy9cc2aj51qz4rgp.gif[/img] [i][color=1E90FF]Location: The Xavier Institute[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Carolina looked at the others that were there, seeing Richard and Marygold both arguing about leading. [color=1E90FF]"Hey you two just bury the damn hatchet your acting like you are damned three year olds, I don't care who the damn leader is if we argue now we might as well let OMEN grab us!"[/color] Future Carolina snapped, she came back to help save the past from the future that they came from. And they were fighting over who was gonna boss who around. She watched as Thalia landed with a thud, then over towards the others who were there Carolina watched Thalia getting shot down along with Marygold, which she quickly went over to check and see if her friend was alright, checking and noticed the tiny bit of blood. She watched as Beth quickly got to work, in attempting to make a shadow barrier and to try and knock down one of the hulking robots. [color=1E90FF]"You guys still got the X-Van somewhere right?"[/color] Future Carolina asked, it seemed to be the best way to get out. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Cassandra Reed[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/263248422aa9f8bdf30fef93d971ba8c/tumblr_inline_oq0xfxqALD1rqpcix_500.gif[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]Location: The Xavier Institute[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] The moment Cassandra got into her room, she went straight to her computer and started to try and get in contact with SHIELD HQ to let them know what was going on. And maybe even get them a safehouse if at all possible, going through all of her things, she had a lot of SHIELD sensitive documents and quickly threw the paper copies into the trash can. Cassandra then grabbed a match book that she had in there for some reason, and started to set it on fire. The next thing Cassandra did was to pull out the hardrive of her laptop, stuffing it into her pack, when Cassandra turned her head she saw Guin there and waved her in. [color=6ecff6]"Hey, just whipping my computer drives, in there are some icers that we can use."[/color] Cassandra said as she gestured towards the underside of her bed. Cassandra then moved over to a chest that she had, it was a project that she had been working on and off for awhile now. [color=6ecff6]"EMP grenades, might be able to slow down those Sentinels."[/color] Cassandra said and then moved over and pulled out the dwarves that she had as well, and activated them. She went towards the window and cracked it open going for a tablet as she started to activate them to scout the area ahead of them and see what OMEN had sent them aside from the dozens of agents and the Sentinels, while waiting for SHIELD to call her back.