[@FalkiThomas][@Sleeth][@GingerBoi123][@King Tai][@Raptra] A new noble moving into the city stirred a lot of interest. The man who bought one of the biggest house in the noble district. There was alot of mystery around his arrival. It was strange how little was know about him. But since none of his family lived in the city people figured it would only be a matter of time before they knew as much about him as they did everyone else. Although rumors had it that the Black Widow had been taken out there was no confirmation of the kill. No one was taking credit. Was it possible that she had started to rumor to get the captain of the city guards off her trail. Most agreed that didn't seem her style. If someone else had killed her why weren't they taking the credit it? A kill like that would boost anyone reputation. So most thought it was a lie. But no one could agree on why.