[@Melpaws][@Zelosse] [i]At the rate things are going, this is unacceptable. My house may fall in ruin before I set a foot in the depths of the Abyss proper.[/i] The words resonated on the head of the teenager as he wearily shifted his weight and kept walking by the dusk-bathed streets. Another day, another slog for survival and thriving. Well, it had gotten a little less [i]excruciating[/i] these days. No longer the young man had to wait his already diminished resources decrease even further, as he impatiently sat in an Orphanage he all but imposed himself to be in, and that people rarely accepted him as he was. His clothes, despite stained and dusty were clearly of a higher cut than most denizens, and he had even had a couple of tools that most novice dwellers didn't have. The crossbow, in fact had been fairly useful these days. The treasure hunt was hopeless and he could only bare scrounge the minimum for the baubles he had unearthed, but each day he could pay his sustenance in flesh rather than artifacts. Meat, no matter the creature was greatly appreciated in the orphanage, and hunting was not something a lot of teenagers were able to do that proficiently. Such was today's catch. He had all but the most bare baubles unearthed, but full lustrous-but-odd looking birds were tied by ropes and staining his shoulder with fresh blood, all of them bearing the holes of a quarrel's impact. Tomorrow there would be bird casserole, he could feel it. And then tragedy struck. It wasn't totally unexpected of course, but... still rend at his heart like a dagger. He was not the closest to the accident site, yet for some reason, he felt compelled to begin to dash. Time was of essence. His eyes scanned the situation. Some adults, chaos. A brat trying to be an avenger of sort. That [i]goddamn moron.[/i] Trying to beat up a shopkeeper, and screaming out of the top of his lungs. Definitely not useful. His eyes darted to his right. Assistance was needed, urgently. The moment he saw a blue whistle, he caught it in one of his hands, clutching firmly. "I'm sorry, my lady. But you look reliable and I could use your help." He spat in a harsh almost whispered voice, his eyes meeting with that of a girl of his age. Synthia, or Synth or whatever. A veteran delver. "I need you to pass a message to the Orth orphanage. And these birds too. Gotta think of the kids. Time is of essence." He added. "Tell them that Sieg went down." He added, before dumping the birds at her feet, and quickening his pace as he begun to load his crossbow. When he reached the chaotic scene, he knew that even if he jumped just immediately after, he wouldn't catch the falling girl, so he opted for a more practical solution. Embedding some cloth in oil in one of his quarrels, he took a guess shot at the girl's fall trajectory, even if a little swerved so he wouldn't hit the girl, thus marking the search area down below. After the deed was done, he took a rope and a hook, and firmly tying it to the rail and wrapped around himself, he gave it at tug. "I'm going. Farewell." He curtly said, and jumping. He should've added. [i]You cowardly lot.[/i] He thought, as the speed and the descent caught his full attention.