Turnip would be found among the other horses in the stable - given that there was only 1 large door between them and the howling wind outside, the noise was loud and audible - thought the steeds did not seem to care as they wore small, protective earmuffs. Ensuring the horses were well taken care of, a stable boy was currently brushing off a warhorse - likely belonging to the lord or part of his retinue. An apple core lay in front of Turnip - a clear sign that he had been given a treat at some point for being a good horsey. Gracie smiled as Isabella - she was happy the woman would probably enjoy seeing such a happy horse. [hr] The dining hall was relatively plain compared to what Lana was probably hoping for - the hallways were also barren, with no excellence compared to the houses of the nobility back home. The torch sconces on the wall were made of some sort of bronze, but that was it. Leaving the room were three exits - the one she had come from, one that smelled slightly of food, and one that had two large double doors leading to it - possibly a fancier part of the castle?