[@Orixi]: Military is one of the possible options! So far, on the mock-up character sheet, we've got different roles such as Military Personel, Scientists, Government Officials, Janitorial / Engineering (General Caretaking etc.). But pretty much anything as long as you can give us a feasible reason! Some examples we've thought of so far have been a journalist doing a story on the complex, or more hilariously, the mailman XD As for the tech, it's going to be utopian futuristic, think green energy, monorails, and touchscreen everywhere. If you know overwatch, similar aesthetic to Symmetra's design, Sleek and clean. No military jargon required, neither of us is particularly knowledgeable! If you want to look it up and throw some in for your character, then feel free! Just pop one of us a message and we'll get back to you. We'll also be developing the OOC and Character Sheets with a couple more people interested. [@Andreyich]: Thank you for your tentative interest! If you have any questions feel free to ask :) [@GingerBoi123]: Excellent!! Great to hear. :)