Sawbone’s courage desperately plummeted as his eyes laid upon the encroaching storm in the distance. Normally, he’d been willing to venture into the storm but the mere thought of that had him clutching his Panacea closer to his chest like a life-line. He couldn’t afford or bear the thought of losing another page, knowledge, his life’s work over chance. He shook his head quickly at Kalahan’s query, looking at the Road Warrior as if he was becoming madder by the moment. There was a psychotic energy in his every movement, a feral aura in his eyes that couldn't be tamed. Sawbones replied with low spirits to Kalahan's question, his gears whirring in his mind as he tried to process a possible solution to the problem that was facing them right now. [color=DarkSlateBlue]“The Hippo’s Chariot is beyond repair as of the moment. I was hoping that a Blackfinger might have been able to survive the attack......” [/color] They barely had enough guzzoline to travel long without bartering with the nearest settlement. That was, if, the leader of the next settlement they would encounter was charitable enough to lend them supplies. That was a fool's dream. Right now, Sawbones was mainly concerened about staying as far away from the storm as humanely possible. Sawbones opinion of the Road Warrior had plummeted by the second as it didn’t take a half-life to put two and two together. The Road Warrior was a speed freak, pure and simple. The man stared at the incoming blanket of dust with a look of enthusiasm instead of fear. Maybe, the crash had done more to the Road Warrior than leave a scar on his head. He looked at Kalahan with a nervous glance, his eyes shifting back between the Road Warrior and Zer, looking as if he was begging Zer for some sort of relative sanity. [color=DarkSlateBlue]“ Do you two have any suggestions for how we’re going to get out of here that doesn’t involve being near that storm at all?” [/color]