[quote=@Balance] yeah that's a millennium problem several thousand dollars to whoever solves it more helpfully, for us who have multiple characters, we just go ahead and start another thing while we wait right now I'm waiting for Darlit Glitch also helpfully, you're waiting for someone who technically is online; Fractured and Host who were just online are accounts of the user who plays Hestia, so you basically just time-skip a little or not time-skip at all[/quote] Hold up, they're the same person? That makes things easier, but now I want to know which accounts are attached to each other just in case. Also, ok that makes a lot more sense now, so wait until they're online and then continue where they left off. Also if I wanted to create another character, would I have to create an alternate account to go with that alternate character, because if so, then I might as well create an alt for this character while i'm at it. Edit: Also sidenote, are people's profile pictures their character pictures as well?