[quote=@BespeckledCeph] Hold up, they're the same person? That makes things easier, but now I want to know which accounts are attached to each other just in case. Also, ok that makes a lot more sense now, so wait until they're online and then continue where they left off. Also if I wanted to create another character, would I have to create an alternate account to go with that alternate character, because if so, then I might as well create an alt for this character while i'm at it. [/quote] We readily support the creation of alts with relevant titles and avatars because it helps us distinguish. I have six accounts for ~15 characters, so I'll switch the titles and avatars of the alts for the character I want. If it helps, I own whizzball1, Balance, Mammalia, Disdain, Efficacy, and Realmatic. which explains why I'm responding to you from a different account EDIT: I won't be able to tell you the accounts of the others; they'll have to let you know. You get used to it over time.