[b]Results so far[/b][indent][@The Bork Lazer] Sawbones discussing options Praying showed mysticism: [i]Gains 1 [img]https://i.imgur.com/9NE8VCp.png[/img][/i] [@Jarl Coolgruuf] Kalahan preparing his ride Zealous approach to life: [i]Gains 1 [img]https://i.imgur.com/lZNpfdb.png[/img][/i] [@GingerBoi123] Razar threatening the storm Zealous approach to life: [i]Gains 1 [img]https://i.imgur.com/lZNpfdb.png[/img][/i][/indent] [b]Overall conditions change[/b][indent]Storm holding, Sunset, Campfires[/indent] [hr] The ragtag survivors began to pull themselves into a group once more even as the sun slowly began to dip beneath the distant horizon. As the light filtered through the storm clouds they lit up with fiery hues, almost as if threatening the little man screaming his defiance at them. At the same time they seemed to falter in their approach, perhaps held back by the war crier's rage, or just a change in the wind. With the light fading subtle glows started to fire up across the sands. Some were singular and subdued, as if desperately trying to hide from sight, while others were bold and unashamed of their brilliance as they lit up the dusky sky. Trails of smoke began to rise into the sky, pointing out several camps and settlements which were strong enough not to worry about giving themselves away to any who could see them. Whether this was due to their actual strength or a misplaced bravery was yet to be seen.