[color=gray][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180317/82cafd1bca7f7e5a38026df8965b8dc7.png[/img] [b][color=662d91]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Fauve, Corc, Devlin, Ren, Witch [b][color=662d91]Mentions:[/color][/b] [@Candy] [@Jensoman] [@Hokum] [@Seraphin] [@Dartbored Fairy][/center][hr]You know that feeling where you just feel so tired of being manipulated that you just don't care anymore? Gabriel was feeling that right then and there. First off, as he was walking to the witch - which he only took around three small steps forward - ended with him being closer to her than he anticipated. Which was not right, since he was [i]sure[/i] of what he was doing since being close to the witch was not optimal. Then the witch made a shooing motion and then he was back next to Fauve. He did try to think about what kind of magic she was using, but unfortunately, he didn't know. And right then and there, he didn't care anymore. Maybe later once he's sorted his thoughts. But right now, that was very jarring. Gabriel grabbed the map when it floated towards him, folding it and then putting it back into his backpack. Giving the witch a warm smile despite everything, he said, [b][color=662d91]"Thank you very much. We appreciate the help."[/color][/b] Whether what she said was true or not, it was better than being hacked to pieces. Devlin, as he now knows her name, wasn't exactly the most polite of people as she continued with her speech. But then she questioned the witch's knowledge about the Resurgence. Gabriel seemed to freeze on the spot. He began rifling through his memories. Resurgence. It was the first time he didn't hear of anything that seemed so significant. The witch claimed that this may be because she just knew too much, or they knew too little. That hurts when you say that in front of a magical researcher who prides himself for having to go into ruins and live through it. He looked down for a moment and then looked back up. [b][color=662d91]"A pleasure to meet you Nona. Until next time."[/color][/b] He bowed his head as a sign of respect before following Corc out. The way she told them that she was going to give them some information if they live through the ruins guaranteed that there was something dangerous in there. The thought itself made him giddy. Life-threatening ruins were something he was familiar with. This was something he could completely understand. Patting Corc on the shoulder, he gave him a thumbs up. [b][color=662d91]"You excited about the ruins? I'm sure I am."[/color][/b] There was just something so alluring about brushes with death. But it would seem like the group he's found himself in was more than capable of handling and taking care of anything the ruins might throw at them. He could still feel this odd pulses of magic from his groupmates, and it just seemed odd. [/color]