[quote=@BespeckledCeph] Pumpin out the bois, I never thought something like this would be this much fun. Also forewarning this might not be much different despite some abilities because my brain already working at overtime. Also SCIENCE [hider=Chris Grey] [center][h2][b][color=92278f]Chris Grey[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/68889312/large.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [h3][center][b][color=92278f]Abilities[/color][/b][/center][/h3] Chris' feat is his ability to control the the electrical charge of atoms (Specifically the electrons). The strange part about it is that it doesn't just manipulate charge, he can also create it, the limit that he can create is the net amount of energy inside of his own body in combination with the forces being acted upon his body as well. The catch is that, the first law of thermodynamics. Energy can not be created or destroyed. When he manipulates the energy, he is using his own energy as well as the energy in his direct vicinity. When he creates energy, he is using the same energy, except one thing. No one can explain this, but when he creates energy using his own bodies energy and when he manipulates energy using his body, he uses the bodies chemical energy with 200% efficiency, basically doubling the total output. So in the listed techniques, he is pulling the energy from A: The area around him (the range that he can pull from is dependent on his current energy level, meaning he can get tired pretty quick) or B: His own energy created by himself. Also, when emotions are extreme, like anger, sadness, or happiness, his abilities are strengthened tremendously. Also these techniques are definitely not the hard limits and are new ones are not required to do different things, especially since electrical manipulation is a broad topic it's very difficult to think of new ways to use it. [list] [*]Lightning Solidification: Can congeal pure energy into a "solid" and can use it accordingly (Can make a lightning whip or sword, or really anything else he can think of) [*]Electric Boost: A major increase in speed, and can be put into any vehicle or moving object, kind of like an overclock, but mostly used to increase speed of himself. [*]Electric Touch: Body becomes electrified, allowing use as a human conductor, and strange cooking object, very versatile [*]Electric Sense: Can "feel" electricity near him and can detect even minor fluctuations [*]Electromagnetism: Can create a magnetic field using his energy. [*]Discharge: Can release all the energy that he controls and his own created energy in one single burst, creating major damage, but leaving him extremely vulnerable to any attacks, as he needs food/sleep almost immediately to stay living. The need for this bodily energy can be temporarily sustained on electricity. [/list] The hardest part about this character were the limits, in reality, if you gave this character enough power they could literally become an unstoppable being capable of destroying entire dimensions in the blink of an eye by ripping apart electrons. Of course you can't make them to under powered as to barely be able to do anything at the same time, this character is the definition of a razor thin balance. [hr] [center][b][color=92278f]Other Information[/color][/b][/center] Oh yeah and he's kinda Keith Grey's brother, they were born to be opposites and they went pretty separate ways. Though they still talk every now and then, that's why their powers are so similar. (Totally not an excuse to be lazy about backstory plot and maybe an easy way into the story shhhhhh) [/hider] [/quote] I hate to be the one to say this, but someone named Techi kind of already embodies this. That technically doesn't stop you from doing it too, but just know that she's out there and pretty much has a lock on electrons.