[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=#2E8B57][center]Daniil Sim[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][hider=Interactions][@Jollan][/hider][/center] Daniil continued to lift the bar with all its weight until his arms grew numb. He lifted it up for a final time and set it to rest on its platform again. He rested a hand on his chest, breathing deeply for a few moments before he sat up. The training room had cleared out, save for himself and two other people and then he saw why. He smirked, seeing Drake lifting his own set of weights. Drake had developed a bit of a reputation and now Daniil was pretty well alone in the training room with the biggest meathead of the school. He stood up and moved over to the treadmills, on the other side of the room. [color=#2E8B57]”You sure know how to clear a room Drake, I’ll give you that,”[/color] Daniil said, not being able to help the mouth he had. Daniil however had no problem with Drake. He honestly had no problem with any of his classmates, vampires included but dominant nature couldn’t be helped among werewolves; even though they were learning to control it. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=#9400D3][center]Zabella Tamlin[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][hider=Interactions][@Joshua Tamashii][/hider][/center] Zabella was going to have to take a break soon. Her eyes were beginning to burn and she was starting to get hungry as well. She didn’t have much for breakfast, her mind had been on other things. She was vaguely aware of someone sitting near her and she glanced up for a second, needing only that to recognize the girl. Her blonde hair was brilliant and only gave her a more innocent look. Zabella was surprised coming to the school to see that she wasn’t the youngest here and it upset her some to see that people would turn children so young. Of course impulse was also a thing, something she knew well. The young vampire turned back to her notes and started to reread a paragraph once again but grew fed up with trying to pronounce a specific word and shoved her books aside, sighing loudly and rubbed her eyes. She wondered then how long she had been sitting there for.