Neil stepped out of the aircar, laughing and patting the back of one of the planetary defense officers. Whether you were for or against the Highlander crew when it came to their arrival or status within the government, they were highly controversial figures. He'd taken no time in assuming that role with the authorities, bragging about past exploits and being more than amiable with their probing questions and curiosity. As they exited their transportation, an amalgamation of gathered citizens; fans, horded to catcall and shout at the crew. The officers held them back. Neil saw there were plenty of curious guys, but there was a majority of women here. "Taya! Where do you get your outfits!?" "Neil! Are you and Junebug dating!? What about the Prince!?" "Junebug, I love you!" "Neil, I'll suck your-" "Get them inside!" The lieutenant yelled, practically shoving the crew indoors through one of the smaller, more common entrances to the Palace. They were received readily by Palace guards, giving them directions for their quarters through the city sized structure. Once they made it past prying eyes and ears, they began to speak. "The PDO told me that they have a few suspects, though none they would go against unless they had unrivaled evidence." Neil said, running a hand through his dark hair and sighing. "But they decided to give me some information off the record after we played some cards...they think it's either a Senator Giaus, or one of Aiden's siblings. As for the why...weaken the prince's position probably." "Those bastards." Taya breathed. Neil looked at her, surprised. Taya suddenly blushed. "Sorry, I just can't see why they don't just accept the ascension. He's such a fine man. Wouldn't they also have an easier time working with him rather than against, anyway?" [@Penny]