[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmRmYWUwMS5RMEZTVGtGVVNVOU8uMAAA/bark.bark.png[/img][/center] [hr] Ah yes, legal documents allowing her to stay in the US without legal persecution. That's something Carnation needed more than anything else right now. Of course, she'd need to find a better name than the one she had in Aus' to get around the states without any sort of prosecution from people hearing of the 'missing child' that was 'found' in Boston. She could stick with using Carnation as her first name and just go by Morgan as her last, but she didn't need to think of all this nonsense right now. What mattered was the challenge that Lady Eve had put the group up to. The girl turned slightly pink as she stood beside this Erin girl, staring at the rest of the crowd. Erin had taken the center stage and indirectly brought Carnation up there with her. She was kind of afraid of being in the spotlight, but she'd have to accommodate for it when she inevitably took over the world, so this was some practice. It wasn't good practice, but it was some most definitely. That's when Erin's vial of... w-what was that? It wasn't like the ketchup she saw in stores, it was more thin than that, but it had chunks floating in it as well. What the hell was in that damn vial? Carnation backed behind Erin and hugged her as she watched from behind her, clearly more afraid of the contents of the vial than she was of the magic it could use. Just in case, Carnation slid on her skin glove as she looked to Alonzo for continuing the situation.