[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJlMzRmOS5RMlZ6ZFhKbElGWnBjbWQxYkdVLC4w/byron.regular.png[/img] [b]Death's Frontman AKA The One-Man Clean-Up Crew Level 2 God of Death (The Mortal Coil)[/b][/center] [hr] [b]The Birth of Lord Naisegai and the Forging of Pürihallgraal[/b] Things were progressing quickly on the Island of Surm, though not necessarily quickly enough for Césure Virgule's tastes. His children were learning quickly enough, certainly much faster than could be expected of lesser lifeforms, however they were still very much in the pre-civilization stages of thinking. It had been three whole days since his arrival to the Sea of Suremus and Andja and Saaja were still wrapping their heads around the concept of fire. Césure had many things still left to do, and the pile of extra work that was doubtless accumulating the more time he took to get himself settled was a heavy concern on his mind. He did not want to have to deal with the back-up of his sluggishness several centuries on from now, and the amount of dead who would linger could greatly increase the likelihood of anomalies and abominations cropping up, which he had neither the patience nor the inclination to have to deal with. The next course of action for Césure was clear, and he tapped into Might, and carved another form from Surmite, beautiful and arresting in its imperious figure. The Suremuse Koguja, had need of a father. One who was like unto them, but also not. Furthermore, Césure's attentions would be elsewhere, but he still wished to have a hand in his children's affairs, whether it was to manage the Temple once that construction was complete, or merely to make certain that their tight-knit civilization prospered, as his disciples of death. The Avatar then, would be made in the image of the Koguja, and imbued with a portion of Césure's awareness and power. Lord Naisegai's eyes flickered open and he stretched his powerful crackling form lithely. Both Naisegai and Virgule experienced the strange sensation of looking at oneself but not, before their split mind acclimated thanks to the godly Might's powerful effects. "I'll get some clothes, and then continue to teach the Koguja. As soon as they are capable of self-organization, the construction will begin on the Temple's outer structures. The chamber will be ready when we are." Naisegai intoned proudly, before departing at a nod from Césure. The most pressing task to hand now, Césure dove into with relish. He flooded his hands with godly Might, and seized up the monumental ball of metal which he had ripped from the deepest parts of the planet, and began shaping it to the required form of divinity. He added accents of surmite and more than once, he sped off with the grail to a distant land to add one element or another. From the Plains of Madness, Césure took crystals of madness, of Gremju's make, to adorn the grail. From Pelegath's Swamps, Césure tore an entire scale plate of the back of a Vyre, with godly ease, which he used as the grail's foot. To complete the grail, Césure finished it by adding several spores of Ley from the Locus Amoenus's building site, as they had already begun to grow numerous there. Pürihallgraal, Grail of The Damned, was complete. Césure's great works would soon be finished, and his labours begun in earnest. [hider=Summary](I really tried to keep with the character limit. It's hard! I think I did okay though.) Césure Virgule creates a glorified baby sitter for his Koguja, whose name TOTALLY has no pun potential whatsoever. None. Césure also creates his most sacred and important Divine tool, not that anybody knows what or why that is yet, and collects some souvenirs to spruce it up (and make it more difficult to steal/more effective in its intended purpose.) [/hider] [hider=Might and Progress] Current Lvl. 2 Might Remaining: 2.75/5 -1 Might for Creation of Lord Naisegai, Father of the Koguja -1 Might for Creation of Pürihallgraal, Grail of the Damned -0.25 Might for teaching Koguja about Fire. Acts of Creation: 2/4 [/hider]