[@ArkmageddonCat][@Polaris North][@Dartbored Fairy][@Zyngard][@Jensoman][@Hokum][@Valkon][@Seraphin] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]….[/color][/h1][/center] “Of course I am,” Fauve replied to Corc, “I wouldn’t let my main orc-man leave me behind for the world!” Once Fauve answered Corcy’s question, the witch presented a challenge to Devlin, but she supposed it could have been directed at everyone who was interested in accepting. Fauve accepted the challenge with an “I’ll be in that!” Thing about orc’s is, they not only don’t know their own strength, they aren’t really aware of other things too, like how much one of their chugs from a bottle actually consumes. After Corc took his drink, there was only a mouthful of beverage left. She swallowed down the last little bit and tossed the bottle to the side. It didn’t break but made a hollow pop sound when it hit the back of the giant skull then toppled away into the tree line. As chance would have it, the bottle rolled beneath a small shrub, behind which was hiding a person (Darren). From Fauve’s angle, she could see the toe of the persons boot jotting out beside where the bottle came to rest. Her eyes followed the line their leg would have taken to their body and head where she then found their face. Their face was mostly covered in shadow, but it was clearly a man and a man she’d never seen before, all hunkered down and spying on the group. “How ya do’n there, stranger?!” She said loud enough to give away his position to everyone there. “No need to hide – We’re all headed on over to risk our lives doing battle in the house of the dead for unknown reasons. If you’re interested in having a bit of fun with us freaks, feel free to tag along!” Wanting to punctuate her comment with a demonstration of her own freakishness, Fauve laughed and extended the length of her lower legs a few feet. She was now eye level with Corc as she walked like a person on stilts towards him and Gabriel. “So let’s get going then!” She said to them both. As Fauve (still high on extended legs) along with Gabe and Corc headed out of the clearing in direction of the catacombs, she looked back and down over her shoulder at Ren, Jack, Lui and the others, and gave a little fling of her head to invite them all along and take part in the freak show too if they wanted. [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]….[/color][/h1][/center]