[center][img=http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/blondes/FayDFlouritefull803633_zps94f15cf5.jpg] VALHALLA MANCINI 18 years old member of LEGENDS Valhalla's mother is very into Norse Mythology and instead of bedtime stories of Cinderella and Jack and the beanstalk, Valhalla got legends of Odin and Thor, Loki and Heimdallr and the oncoming Ragnarök. It would give him nightmares at night because all he could picture was Loki being chained down and forced to have poison dripping into his eyes for all eternity. Needless to say, those were things that no six year old should ever know, but Valhalla made it through somehow, and even after all these years, he still remembers every single legend. When it became time for him to go to highschool, he persuaded his parents to send him to the Academy of Arts for their fashion courses. Instead of singing, Valhalla enjoyed making dresses in his spare time and even thought about become a professional designer once he graduated from college. It wasn't until he heard the singers in the music department did he ever think about singing. He heard Belizano singing afterschool one day and it sounded so beautiful that he wanted to try to make beautiful music like him. He convinced Belizano to teach him how to sing, and eventually he had so much fun singing that he switched from the fashion course to the music one. He still likes making clothes, but he focuses more on singing. He's been a member of LEGENDS since day one and he's become great friends with all of the members. Imagine how uncomfortable he was though when a boy named FenrisĂșlfr appeared the year below him and all the bedtime stories came rushing back. He is roommates with his teammate Pemendree.[/center]