Well, it wasn't her plants but at least they were going forward. Without anyone drawing their gun, to boot! How [i]glorious[/i]. Though to be fair, despite her usual chill composure Sam was still pretty miffed at Leo. He [i]hadn't[/i] drawn his gun, but to have threatened them - people he has known for half a year like common thugs? Nonetheless, the stray - the girl - had responded positively to his efforts and Sam herself even got the slightest positive reaction. As such she walked with the two of them as they ascended to get the girl sorted in Leo's room, that same relaxed gait present despite her underlying ... irration. And then she was alone with the girl - Ash, was it? Sam was too cautious of a person to fully put her back to her, but gave her a mediocrum of privacy by only keeping her in the peripheral of her vision as the tattoo artist leaned against the wall. No bites from what she saw, which was no doubt more than Brook could have checked for with all the girl's gear on. Though, the scar along her arm was interesting. Fierce. A mark of pride. Finally the stray seemed mostly settled, now out of her wet clothes and wrapped up in Leo's blanket while looking for someplace to hang her things. Sam took her own jacket off, still a bit damp along the bottom from her earlier fishing adventures, to throw over Leo's nightstand. Eh, good enough. She was even kind enough to help Ash hang her clothes up by Leo's - he had the smallest room, not including Sam's rafter 'bungalow', so there wasn't much space elsewhere. In all it ended up with Sam lounging on Leo's bed, back against the wall and humming a jazzy tune as she watched the little stray spread her things on the ground. No doubt it had gotten messed up from all the pawing around in it, and most looked pretty valuable - well, valuable considering their circumstances. It was during this relaxed lull that the girl finally talked to her, causing Sam's blue gaze to flick over. "I'm sorry I kicked your friend in the face," though the look she gave indicated there was a slight hint of pride there. She had seen Sam's reaction. "Is she always so grabby with your... prisoners?" There was a slight trail off at the end, though her attention had returned back to the possessions scattered around her as she methodically organised them it was clear she was unsure what term she should actually be using. "I wouldn't say you were a [i]prisoner[/i], per say," Sam began, just to brighten. She sat up straighter, casting a lazy grin. "Actually nevermind, I always wanted to be a warden. First rule of Log Cabin Prison, no prisoners in handcuffs." The tattoo artist pitched her voice low, as though whispering conspiratorially. "That's mostly because Conrad is the only one [i]with[/i] handcuffs. Man's a little..." She trailed off and made a circular motion with a finger at the side of her head. Crazy. Flopping back once more, Sam crossed her arms behind her head and shrugged. "Couldn't say about Brook though. I was their latest stray before you and she was a bit ... immobile when I came around."