[@Cu Chulainn] The varient D&D 5e rules are closer to the [url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/human/]Pathfinder rules[/url], where instead of getting +1 to all ability scores as with the standard D&D 5e racial rule you get +2 to one ability score [s][color=lightgray](although in D&D 5e this can be split between two abilities if you want, giving +1 each)[/color][/s], an additional skill proficiency and a feat. [indent][b]EDIT:[/b] Actually, checking the exact wording of D&D 5e ("[i][b]Ability Score Increase.[/b][/i] Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1." - [i]Player's Handbook[/i], page 31) means you have to take the +1 for separate abilities, unlike Pathfinder where you take +2 for one ability.[/indent] Luckily when I made Noxolo with D&D 5e I used the varient rules, which gave her a skill [color=lightgray](not sure which one I went with for this bonus, might be her Acrobatics)[/color] and the War Caster feat, but since her ability rolls were relatively low the +2 ability bonus still leaves her short of the 20pts buy.