There we go, a post! Sorry for keeping you waiting. Speaking of waiting, let me address the following, since I feel there is a sort of misunderstanding here. [quote=@Ryonara] I’ll admit attendance for this RP is sporadic the the ever looming threat that the GM is going to cut it because someone is inactive has made me feel rather uneasy about dedicating too much time and effort. We play to have fun you know, not have another deadline to meet. [/quote] I can understand frustrations looming from deadlines being present in pastime activities and prioritisation of matters is everyone's own to choose. But I am the sort of person that likes to have some sort of a timetable for things they do. And especially when I'm DMing, I enjoy it being a bit tighter. As time passes, I feel more and more of the strings I have to keep in my hands slip away, and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the game running in a consistent manner. Thus the deadline approach. It allows me to avoid most of the situations where I end up with no strings in my hands at all and need to pick everything up from scratch, which would both make it a chore and an unenjoyable process for me as well as drop the quality of the RP for all of you. I am sorry if this causes the opposite problem of making you not want to play, but as things are I have no other ideas on how to avoid this issue.