[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uqjbGm9.png[/img] [h3][color=ffdd99]Maeda Hitomi[/color][/h3][/center] Hitomi considered the General Studies student's idea of a challenge to see whether or not this plan goes ahead. Hitomi personally knew she was willing to fight for this. With a foot in each world she understood how they were linked and how they could help each other in a way that a pure Hero student or a pure Support student wouldn't see. She believed in this. Asahi made it official, and Tori named the challenges; Cat herding, Karaoke, and a scavenger hunt. Hitomi was actually excited. Even though there was a lot at stake to her, this did sound like a lot of fun. She absent-mindedly stroked Tomoe's hair as the discussion was underway, as if she as one of the cats at the cafe. [color=ffdd99]"I'm in,"[/color] Hitomi replied to Asahi when he asked them personally for their assistance, smiling when Tomoe also voiced her support. [color=ffdd99]"I'm confident about or ability in these chalenges. I even know which of the three challenges I shall partake in, though I don' know about you two and what you'd prefer to do."[/color] She took the coffee offered by Tomoe and answered her with a grateful grin as she took a sip. Thankfully it wasn't as scalding now. [@liferusher][@Lucius Cypher]