[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SpmluTV.gif[/img][/center] [color=orange][h2][center]"NEVER FEAR! THE LIGHT OF PHOENIX DAWN IS HERE!"[/center][/h2][/color] [color=orange]"Hahahahah! Surely this will get their blood pumping!"[/color] Phoenix Dawn was at the gym as he always does before lunch. He truly believed that he could be faster, fast as the light that coursed through his veins. And while he would make sprinted laps around the track, his stamping feet almost ruining the tarmack, he would distract himself on how to best prepare the new bloods for life in service of Glory and Justice. Surely a morning run of 10 miles like this would be a great way to start each day. He felt invigorated, but then again, when wasn't he invigorated? The sweat steaming off his burning form, the suit he was supposed to be wearing was zipped open and dangled at his waist. Of everything in the tower, it was those dang boring drab gray suits that he hated the most. He loved to feel the light on his skin, the cool air on his pectorals, the way his muscles looked like plates of armor over his god like form. Truly it would make his onlookers see simple beautiful perfection in motion; Men would weep manly tears and strive to better themselves; Women would squeal with delight and strive to great acts of personality to acquire his attention. Dawn closed his eyes and made a fist. [color=orange]"If only I could see myself at all times."[/color] He despaired for missing out on what surely is the greatest of sights. He then clapped his hands, ready to grab a shower. [color=orange]"Oh well, time for lunch."[/color] And then the greatest of sounds came to his ears. Every fiber of his being seemed to tense and grow cold in ecstatic thrill. [color=orange]"What ho!? A call to arms!?"[/color] He swung his arms out and screamed in a haughty laugh. [color=orange]"HAHAH! Truly this is a [b]GLORIOUS[/b] Day! Stay strong citizens! For [i]THE DAWN[/i] is coming!"[/color] He didn't even bother getting himself looking presentable. He only had less than 10 minutes to get down 20 or so floors and so the race was on. Unlike the rest of his colleagues, Dawn did use the elevator. In order to prevent Dawn from just ripping the door apart, they installed a button to his thumb print that would allow the elevator door to open regardless of whether the car was there or not. After nearly toppling some of the Horizon Staff with nary an [color=orange]"Excuse me! Duty calls!"[/color] He reached the elevator and pushed the button. The elevators were all part of the same massive shaft along the inner spire of the tower. The car of that particular door was below him but he had room across the way to get down to the others. And with not a moments hesitation, the Dawn leaped. He narrowly avoided one car, then another before finally plunging the 12 or so additional stories. If one were looking at one of the elevator tubes from the lobby they could see a flash of yellow and orange descend quickly before dipping out of sight with a massive BOOM as he dropped into the lower levels. It was enough to cause a small bit of rumbling, scaring an intern enough that she dropped the contents of her folder all over the floor. At another part of the building, the boom boom boom got louder and louder as Dawn ascended one of the utility stairwells to get to where the meeting room would be. He nearly broke the door in the process before he broke off sprinting down the hallways like he had been doing not 5 minutes earlier, a massive excited smile plastered on his face as he moved only slightly to avoid those just trying to work, though they were avoiding him the same way one would avoid a car careening towards them. Coming up to one of the doors adjacent to the war-room and trying very hard to not just burst through the wall (he has been told not to do that more times than his keeper could have ever thought) he swings the door open hard enough so that the handle embeds into the wall where it strikes, cracking it rather significantly. Silhouetted in the door from the dark room, he enters looking at his wrist. [color=orange]"76 seconds! HAH! A new record! I knew I was getting faster!"[/color] His voice bellows out and echoes in the small room. He strikes a heroic manly pose with his hands on his hips and chest out. [color=orange]"Phoenix Dawn! Reporting for [b]JUSTICE![/b]"[/color]