[@Balthazar007] [b]May 8th Russia Circe[/b] Circe hunted the whole time at the first stop for a Stantler. She searched the entire area they were exploring, twice. No Stantler showed up to the girls dismay. Shortly after they went to their next stop and hunt Paras and the whole time they searched they only found one which was caught by Forest before she had time to react. Afterwards they returned to base camp and had a quick dinner and went to bed. [b]May 9th[/b] Circe woke up, did her make up and had a quick cigarette. Today they were hunting Clefairy. She knew would catch it herself. They got on the bus and drove up the mountains and spread out in their search. Circe walked a small path that lead away from the main group and she heard a small noise. She snuck around a boulder and saw a Clefairy dancing. Circe crept around out of it's line of sight, as she got close the clefairy heard her and turned around. Circe swore silently and tossed a pokeball to try and catch the Pokemon. (Btw she is a level 7)