Gracie smiled as Izzy continued to love on Turnip, and mused over Valora's words in her head as she thought about them. [b]"Valora - obviously it was cruel and unnecessary. My lady wasn't too happy about it - people shouldn't be so cruel to their servants for a simple mistake."[/b] The maid let out a slight sigh. [b]"So young too - it's obvious people learn from their parents, at least. The sooner we get out of here the better - though at least we are all comfortable."[/b] [b]"Were you talking about something else, though? I thought these ... strangeness of this land would have been rather apparent, divines cursing us all while we are here."[/b] [hr] The footsteps went away after a while, going away from the party's rouge. The room was once again empty and silent. Though a new problem arose - from down the hallway towards the dining room a guard was approaching - it was hard to tell why, but his exhaustion was obvious as he let out a large yawn and stretched his limbs. Lana hadn't been seen yet, and the man's weapons were sheathed at his hip. Would Lana move, reveal herself, or hide?