[quote=@Cerces22] ...Circe woke up, did her make up and had a quick cigarette. Today they were hunting Clefairy. She knew would catch it herself. They got on the bus and drove up the mountains and spread out in their search. Circe walked a small path that lead away from the main group and she heard a small noise. She snuck around a boulder and saw a Clefairy dancing. Circe crept around out of it's line of sight, as she got close the clefairy heard her and turned around. Circe swore silently and tossed a pokeball to try and catch the Pokemon. (Btw she is a level 7) [/quote] When Clefairy first appeared on this barren isolated mountain, it was the middle of winter. The nights were long and lonely, but luckily, there was plenty for her to eat (sort of). Being a Fairy-type Pokemon, she was able to get nourishment from the moonlight. Her magical dance helped her focus her abilities and absorb the moon's energy. So she danced, and she danced, for hours each night... in order to survive. When summer arrived, with the days long and the nights short, Clefairy had to dance even more, in order to absorb what little moonlight she could from the daytime sky, because as few may know, while the moon can be seen during the day, it's power is severely diluted. And so she danced, more and more, each day AND night... non-stop. It was both exhausting as well as her only means of survival. That was when she heard the human, and turned around. It all happened so quickly, the strange ball flying toward her, the red light, and the darkness... oh, the darkness. She felt at ease, like she could rest... The ball shook, once.... twice.... three times.... then popped open! Confused, Clefairy looked around. What had just happened? What was that light? And that darkness, that moment of peace, why did it have to end so quickly? Then she noticed Cerce still standing there, obviously upset about something. Then she remembered. That ball that the girl threw, it was the reason for the red light; it was the reason for the peaceful darkness... She had to have more. So she jumped forward with one magically graceful leap, quickly closing the 5 yard gap between them. The movement was startling for Cerce, for sure, but as the Clefairy patiently waited, she understood. It WANTS to be captured! Cerce's second throw was a complete success. There was no shaking, not even one... Result #1: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/9019]No Good, Sorry[/url] Result #2: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/9020]Yes, Please![/url]