Arms still folded across her chest, Hikari turned once again to face the foreigner girl. "Hmph... I could be a lot meaner if you want," she replied, with a frown. "You were the one who charged into me, after all. As far as I'm concerned, that's a lot more rude then anything I've said." In the small redhead's mind, her rather sharp response to the accidental collision would serve the purpose of chastising the taller girl for knocking her over, as well as hopefully serving as a warning against doing such a thing again. After all, it was pretty unlikely anyone would respond too well to some... big girl walking into them. Yeah... Hikari tried to ignore the pang of jealousy as she noticed the other girl was, well, obviously not the size of a child and instead focus on the present. "What were you doing, anyway, that left you in such a hurry that you didn't even see me walking?" [@TheFake]