[quote=@Mistress Dizzy] Question: Would a noblewoman with a sword be: 1. Business as usual. 2. Unusual, may raise a few eyebrows. or 3. Dress as a man, heretic! If I can't do the monk thing I will go another route entirely. [/quote] Something mentioned in the int check that might be helpful. [i]Depends on where you come from, really. There are soldiers, farmers, barons, traders, scouts, explorers, couriers, caravaneers...occupations vary. Classism is definitely an issue, though there are no mainstream prejudices around sexuality, race etc. Some city natives are a little less tolerant than others by nature of their hometowns (for example, Mornfell-natives are notably more distrustful and xenophobic that nearly any other city due to their almost self-imposed isolation) and all cities teach their citizens different values (all Kafaara natives will be versed in the ways of the Barbed Church, believer or not; those from Marisma will be more reverent of nature than any other cityfolk). [/i]