[@Animera] [color=fff79a][i]James “Jim” Riverwood [/i][/color] James had came back form his chores seeing his captain and a group of people surrounding him, "Ahoy captain i have gotten the supplies you asked me to bring for you?" He said looking around wondering what was going on. "Why is this group forming around you? Did you see that blasted red head around?" He said referring to Barnabas. [color=ed1c24][b]Barnabas “Powder Keg” McFarland[/b][/color] The young looking man had his stack of books in his hand looking over towards his captain and his favourite punching bag, Jovially pacing towards his captain with a big smile on his face. "Hello el capitán, How are you doing? And how is my favourite puny human?" He said turning to face James with a bigger smile on his face much to the older man's chagrin.