[color=00aeef]Ars Argento[/color] Ars was surprised to see the two men simply break way and run, and felt immensely relieved that he didn't need to resort to violence. Still, that felt too easy for him. And why were they fighting here anyway...? This place was suposed to be abandoned after all... The boy briefly thought about running after either of them, but decided against it. It was probably better to call the service done and report to miss Riñas. __________________________________________________________________ "[color=00aeef][b]Good evening, miss Riñas.[/b][/color]" Ars replied the greeting upon meeting with the dark priest. "[color=00aeef][b]No major complications. The farm had a rabbit invasion, but they have been driven away, at least for now. On the abandoned town area...[/b][/color]" He paused for a second, wondering how best to express his thoughts. "[color=00aeef][b]I ran into two men fighting each other but they immediately ran away once they saw me.[/b][/color]" The boy decided to omit his feelings that something was not quite right with the way they fled so promptly. It was probably just the eeriness of the abandoned houses that had gotten to him, surely. [@PaulHaynek]