[hider=Lightbringer(DEAD)] [s][hider][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2024/b0a06923be4d1b06c4d6328f6e2d2907ba12660a.png?2110701[/img][/hider] [i][h3]Name:[/h3] Celestine Lightbringer aka "The Fallen One" or "Lightbringer." [h3]Age:[/h3]18 [h3]Grade:[/h3] Already Graduated, so not applicable. Associated to Mephisto, with unclear role. [h3]Biography:[/h3] Celestine was never a normal child. He grew up quicker than most, and no sooner had begun to talk, it didn't take much more to learn how to read. Some people suspect he started to read before he talked, but he has not dismissed not confirmed the rumour. His parents, seeing the mental acumen of the child, were overjoyed, and despite not being that much effluent, sent him to St Laurel's Academy of excellence. It was probably a little more than they could afford, but they didn't mind. Celestine was happy and he steamrolled through the lessons at the academy, becoming one of the top students of the class among many prodigies. And then, hell was set upon him. For no matter how virtuous a school is, there is always darker shades on them. Every school has its share of bullying, and Celestine was a prime target. He didn't hit puberty as he should have like the rest of the people. He was excessively effeminate. A fact he was remembered upon by his bullies constantly. He cracked under the pressure, and his grades plummetted. His bullies grew bolder. Up until the day they forced him to wear clothes and tied him in the girl's dressing room. The bullies were arrested, the scandal silenced, and Celestine's family compensated, but the wounds in his soul remained. Celestine became jaded, cynical and cruel, and from that point on, he shut down his heart and did away with his upstanding morality. Still, dropping out of School was not an option, and there were not many palatable choices after being a dropout of St Louis. This is when a man called Mephisto made him an offer that he couldn't refuse. He would get his grades and diploma with just a few tests, no questions asked. He would warn him that he would recall the favour at any time, though. Celestine accepted the shade deal - who wouldn't in his case, and entered university at the tender age of 15. He became a doctor in record time, thanks to her mental acuity, and was a full fledged graduate by age 18. University also mended some of his wounds and boosted his ego. People were much more understanding of his appearance, and some of his fellow colleagues dared him in a drunken bet to cross-dress once again to master his fears. He didn't look half bad in girl clothes, he concluded. Probably better than boy ones. And then... Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined rang. There was some sort of project he could use some help with. When Celestine heard what it was about, he laughed with glee. Finally a chance for payback. Update:After participating in several scrapes with Vigilantes involvement, Celestine has developed a new power which allows him to finally become trascend the boundaries of his flesh, and show everyone how graceful his new form is. [h3]Powers:[/h3] [list] [*][b]Core Power: Eidetic Memory[/b] Celestine has the ability of perfect recall. He remembers everything he has ever seen, read, heard or witnessed without any need of memorization. This endows him with superb mental acumen and a disturbingly fast ability to learn new things quickly. [*][b]1st Power-Mimicry:[/b]Lightbringer only needs to see a manual skill once to perfectly replicate it. This means that fighting moves and techniques will be stolen rather quickly. He can't obviously, steal the superhuman or otherworldly abilities of other fighters, but this also allows him to develop counters quicker than anyone else when exposed to new attacks. [*][b]2nd-Power-Sense of Whole:[/b] By drawing on his knowledge and inner control techniques, Celestine can even control the bodyparts a human cannot usually control, endowing him with abilities that stretch the superhuman, such as heightened senses and reflexes, the ability to shunt the bloodflow on wounds, redirect the oxygen on his body, purge his brain of any kind of control and interference and [s]hold his farts in public[/s]. [*][b]3rd-Power-Laplace's demon:[/b] Celestine achieves a state of higher thought where all paths and possibilities are present before him. He thus can tailor his actions to give him the most favourable outcome. This kind of prescience is limited to only what information his senses can give, and attacks outside his perception might get through. He can only see a few seconds in the future, and using this ability taxes him greatly and can put him in danger of dying, but is strong to defeat superhuman reflexes, luck affecting skills and even other kinds of clairvoyance. Practically no one knows about this ability. [*][b]4th-Power-Perfect body:[/b] Cel gains a body that is not marred by defect or weakness, a body in his peak condition so to speak. A body that does not even age. This new body can sustain his third power much longer. He can also alter the body features (hair, build, eye color, height and weight) however he wishes (like minor shapeshifting). He can change genders even. However transformations require a night minimum to take place, and several meals worth of calories at once. He also can't fully use the new modified body to its fullest until several days pass, depending on how radical is the transformation. [/list] [h3]Relationships:[/h3] [List][*][b]Clara Deimos Erdrigan[/b]:" The boss' little daughter. I remain cooperative with her plans and supportive of her schemes, but my true boss lies elsewhere." [*][b] Bak Tsarevna[/b]: "Somehow, it seems like this kind of pitiful broken tank girl has reached deep inside me. I am not ashamed to admit I am fond of her." [*][b] Yuuto KÅ«gekino[/b]:"One of my coworkers. He probably works under the same boss. I would care to know more if he did not speak in fortune cookie riddles." [*][b] Gilliam DeWitt[/b]:"That flesh eating amoeba is surprisingly resourceful for the stock it comes from. It's no secret we don't like it eachother, but we tend to keep it to minor rivalries. Like me, he is a gentleman." [*][b]Rurik Alexeev[/b]:"He is no longer a wet noodle, he can wreck some serious shit when he is wound up. Problem is winding him up. Would still have a go at his girlfriend." [*][b]Christine Abigail[/b]:" The aforementioned girlfriend. Happy. Carefree. Would still climb her snowy peaks." [*][b]Galbrek[/b]:"The only reason you breathe is because your dad has money." [*][b]Vittorio[/b]:"I hope Bak stops his suicide tendences. I mean that kind of thing is a better show than his pointless dive into revenge." [*][b]Vernon[/b]:"Jury's out whether i should punch him in the face for being such a prick, or laugh his deliciously sociopathic antics with him. Haven't seen him around though." [*][b]Thobias[/b]:"He is rich, entitled and has a nice a power. And he knows every bit of that, and likes to remind people to do so. Still his parties are the best." [*][b]Luigi Vile[/b]:"Curt, professional, with a burning passion to maim murder and destroy, and build things to burn, maim and destroy. He's a permanent fixture in my cellphone." [*][b]Kanzael[/b]:"He's one of the teachers, and I am in a strictly professional relationship with him." [*][b]Alto Ganze and the gaggle of St Laurel's snobs[/b]: "I wouldn't touch them with a 20 feet pole if it couldn't be helped, but since it can't be helped, i'll take extra [i]glee[/i] in making things difficult for them like the two-faced hypocrites they are." [List][*]Katherine Abigail: "Fiery uptight version of Christine. Would also smash." [*]Meredith Blackgate: "That monster-tits alternates between pissing me off and making me pity her. She has had a complicated childhood, but she is SO clingy and dense." [*]William Ascott:"Thinks he's some kind of heroic mastermind or something. That's so cute. And annoying. More annoying than cute really. What does Vernon see in him?" [/list] [*][b]King and cronies[/b]: "How many comics did they read? Annoying. Really annoying. The leader seems to have some strength to back up his drivel, which is highly annoying." [List][*]Andras:"Cute. I enjoyed teasing her. But of course a wee little lamb can only go so far when faced with someone like me." [*]Wolf:"The nerd and I have crossed paths more than once. He's surprisingly powerful for being Vera's newest prey. It must be because his powers seem to stem from deep negative emotions or something" [*]Vera Goh:"Sweet first girlfriend and my teacher in the ways of cruelty in the world. She would be proud of how far have i gone. Actually no, she would be horrified. Excellent." [*]Naseraph:"It's a birdman. He likes to fight. Probably sociopathic. Would either befriend or dissect." [*]Ria Kohler:"We're still on speaking terms even if she's st Laurels. It helps she is a bit of a blunt sour person."[/list] [*][b]Diana Graeca:[/b] "My most beloved girlfriend. So much that we still hang out to reminisce. She is intelligent, resourceful, and had a similar ordeals whether it came to events or her own body. Plus she is cute when flustered." [/list] [/i] [hr][/s] [/hider] [hr] Accepted also by Rofls [hider=Big gal V3][hider=Pre Ordeal][img]https://safebooru.org//images/1722/45e474d4cf3f72e7fb248834be9e314ce524f27f.png?1803054[/img][/hider] [hider=Post Ordeal(Current)][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2294/dda360f955327cf21a90e07c1a1a54edf7092987.jpg?2415918[/img][/hider] [i][h3]Name:[/h3] Meredith Blackgate [h3]Age:[/h3] 16 [h3]Grade:[/h3] St Laurel's 1st Year. [h3]Biography:[/h3] Meredith was born as a half-demon sacrifice in order to achieve a grand plan of opening a big portal to Hell. It didn't work. [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2318361]Mommy[/url] was a nasty succubus who had tricked father into having a fling with her, and raised Meredith as cattle. She did not even have a name back then. But there was one big flaw on the entire plan. Father was to be a man of powerful attributes, and when he caught wind of what was happening, he foiled the demon's plans and rescued the until then unknown and unwanted child. While initially Meredith was as vicious and as bitter as a wild animal, the care and presence of other humans and having a loving father substantially mellowed her out. Also the fact that her otherwise demonic woman had been tamed by his father into becoming an actual mother did help a lot. No longer she was a snarling little half-demon, but became a rather gentle and happy-go-lucky soul who was always eager to share her things and make new friends. (Probably because of fear of being a lone half-demon again). Her half demonic inheritage also meant that her skill as power user was great, and his father, a known hero of several victories against demons, enrolled her in St. Laurel's, since it was the place where she would reach the most of her potential. Since then, she has tried her best to help her fellow students, even if sometimes feels like her powers might outstay her welcome in the institution... She is extremely fond of food, and a hearty eater. She eats for five people, allegedly. [h3]Powers:[/h3] [b]Core Power:[/b]Demonic Heart: Meredith houses a particularly powerful demonic magic within herself. She has an unusual amount of raw demonic power for a half-demon or a demon, and she is able to shoot it in raw magic blasts or dissipate projectiles with counter blasts (both uses are extremely inefficient). The demonic energies also imbue her body and make her pretty strong, fast and durable, able to survive and heal wounds that don't affect her brain or heart. [list][*][b]1st Power- Shape of the Damned:[/b] Meredith can manifest her demonic traits, such as horns, claws, wings and a rather wiggly tail. It also enables her to fly quite proficiently (but it is quite ridiculous with all the bouncing). [s]Also scratching people like a cat when she is angry[/s] [*][b]2nd Power-Demonic Glyphs[/b]: The ill gained art of her own mother, she knows how to employ demonic runes proficiently. To maximize the effect, they have to be drawn in blood, preferably that of a half-demon or a maiden. Given she is [s]both (for now)[/s] a demon, she often uses her own blood. These runes have a variety of effects such as burning black flames, sleep-induction, summoning small dog-sized imps, or more importantly, enchanting places or weapons and healing and purifying aswell. [*][b]3rd Power-Empress of the Night[/b].Being a powerful half-succubus, she can enter people's dreams and keep them in an asleep state while she can control the dream with nigh-godlike powers based in the character's worst fears. The target must be asleep and she has to have intimate touch with them. Of course, targets are able to be woken up, albeit it is harder to do so than normal (but still causing physical pain to the victim will cancel out this power). This ability also plunders the lifeforce of a target while it is trapped, and empowers Meredith, just like the succubi of legend. [*][b]4th Power-Kiss of the Night:[/b] The quintessential succubus ability, manifested by Meredith as part of her demonic inheritage. Instead of putting a target to sleep, Meredith can plunder the lifeforce of a target by continuous intimate touch (a long drawn kiss is an example). The more contact involved, the faster the drain, and it usually takes a few seconds to kick in, which makes it difficult to perform on unwilling targets.[/list] [h3]Relationships:[/h3] She likes everyone. She doesn't really judge. Except perhaps Galbrek. Update: After alienating Wolf, she now tries to avoid his presence. She also shows some sympathy for the wayward Galbrek. [/i] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Diana(v3)] [hider][img]https://safebooru.org/samples/2371/sample_e92a0854c2c6a6a1a8bf2e7f5d5490b130c5a01d.jpg?2469839[/img][/hider] [i][h3]Name:[/h3] Diana Graeca AKA " The Witch of Bones." [h3]Age:[/h3]18 [h3]Grade:[/h3]Rhean Technical 3rd year. - A school for those with less financial support and that is flexible with temp jobs. Currently unaffiliated to any of the big three. [h3]Biography:[/h3] Diana is but the latest descendant of an ancient bloodline, that predates the Great War, and whose arts are also from before the emergence of Blessings. Diana's family and tribe practised what was considered a dangerous and taboo endeavour. Black Magic users all of them, it was their rituals and spells who warped the rules of nature, god and men, that helped humans survive against the Ancient Evil onslaught. However, their situation quickly changed as the Gods decided to hand out Blessings, and from that point on they would also be shunned and more than often put in the same bag as demons due to their philosophy being sometimes in opposition to those of the Gods. In modern times, there is few people who still practice these family arts. But Diana is one of them. At a young age she renounced to her blessing (it was a very useless one, as she could only talk to flies), and undergoing the ancient ritual passed down by her family, gaining the ability to use the dark arts by sacrificing something "dear" to her. (Diana is glad that this is the modern age as she can sacrifice her blessing as payment. Before such an era, one had to sacrifice a loved one to gain these powers). However, Black Magic usually doesn't give much in the paying of bills, so she had to constantly be on the move avoiding loan sharks alongside with her family. She found a certain respite in Rhea, after joining a rather modest school with temporary job compatibility, she settled in the big city. Her parents were somewhat successful in getting odd jobs to make ends meet, such as telephone customer service and supermarket cashier. She herself settled for comic book store attendant, even though she is always threatening to quit because her boss always makes her cosplay in comic and anime dresses to boost up the sales. Of course, for those who step in the vibrant world that is beyond what meets the eye... her powers are also for those who can afford her prices. [h3]Powers:[/h3] [list] [*][b]Core Power: Spark of Magic:[/b] If one has to determine what is a black mage compared to a human one needs to imagine a ladder. Humans are at the base, and at the top of the billion or so of steps, is a Divine presence. Mages have stepped up one or two steps, and they have an inherent spark in themselves which allow them to twist and bend the seams of natural order as long as they have proper procedures. However, Magic is not a toy, and often than more, trying to be too greedy or trying to approach much more intense sources of magic and divine power can cause severe backslash. [*][b]1st Power-Sorcery (Od):[/b] Sorcery is the use of one's own internal magical energy (od, another word for this kind of energy is Ki), to perform some pretty basic spells. Diana is adept at using the od to heal minor wounds, launch small blasts of energy, that hurt as much as a punch, and reinforce her body to resist some enemy attacks and not die at the first time someone kicks her hard. Od is also employed in a mage's favorite trick: Flight. Useful for getting away and launching overhead attacks. [*][b]2nd-Power- Necromancy:[/b] Necromancy is a foul art, but the materials for it are readily available. Everything in necromancy has to be paid in life. From the art of divinating using entrails, to raising corpses. The most basic spells of this art require a few drops of blood or small animals. A single pigeon can make a very basic zombie or skeleton automaton. The most powerful forms of this art can raise the dead back to life for a single day, however the price is equally steep. It requires an overnight ritual and a very specific flower, the Blood Lotus, that only grows in a remote mountain. Also, she can't cast it in the same person unless five years have passed. Similarly, this cruel ritual can be inverted, and with the same cost, Diana can drag a target into the underworld forcefully(although the effect is only a day as well.) [*][b]3rd Power- Ritual Magic:[/b] Ritual magic refers to the complex rituals and scriptures a mage has to use in order to manifest powers that otherwise their Od would not be able to. These usually involve painstakingly intricate circles, chants, and exotic components. Sure, Mages can rain blizzards and fireballs on top of people's enemies with the right catalysts, but such a bizarre display would flush out months of work and years of savings in pretty fireworks. For example, a fireball would require a desiccated salamander ritually sacrificed under a new moon and smoked in a 100 year old tree's wood, and making a Wall of Ice would require to carve a single block of pure ice made from a pristine spring, and then melt it with purifying salt. She is currently trying to learn solar magic, but given the catalyst of those is pure gold... her studies are slow and frustrating. It is possible for her to make lasting enchantments and curses, although the time and effort involved in those is proportional. [*][b]4th Power- Friend of Death:[/b]Diana has managed to contact a lesser deity known as [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2504384]Moira[/url] (a type of Grim Reaper) and struck some sort of arrangement with her(Said spirity really like raunchy comics and cute witches). She can contact the spirit for advice, allowing her to possess her (so that her manifestation goes unnoticed), and more importantly- for a fee, she can smuggle souls out of the underworld and put them back in their living bodies. However, this kind of true resurrection must be performed sparingly (lest other divine overseers of the cycle of Death realize it), and the body of the deceased must be mended in a state that can support life- or be recreated through other means (magic craft or cloning). [/list] [h3]Relationships:[/h3] Whoever pays her prices. She maintains a friendly rivalry with Luigi, and She seems to be fond of Celestine. She also is wary of Meredith. [/i] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Melanie 'Lost Soul' Hennar (v2)] [img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/6/6b/Yfb47455704ecc0.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20150406073453&path-prefix=protagonist[/img] [i](The picture doesn't do justice to her beatiful long legs, standing at a height of 6'5''[/i]) [b]Name:[/b] Melanie [i]'Lost Soul'[/i] Hennar [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Grade:[/b] Vigilantes [b]Biography:[/b] Melanie had, arguably, a traumatizing childhood. At least, that's what her parents would tell her, but she's always had her suspicions. So the story goes, at her birth, the devil, a devil, a demon, or something else, with nothing better to do, came into the church upon her baptism, and ripped her soul from her young body. Nobody is exactly sure as to why the soul was pulled out of her, but pulled it was. There were a lot of witnesses, apparently, which Melanie has never had the fortune to talk to in person. The entire tale reeks of something made up, as nearly all the little details in it are constantly changing from her parents, and so she doesn't put much faith in it. Not that she cares much if the story was true or not, as in the end, not having a soul, or whatever the demon supposedly took, doesn't seem to have any [i]physical ill effects (her emotions and morality were obliterated)[/i], and quite frankly she's found some positives to the whole ordeal [i]like her powers.[/i] Her early life was, for the most part, spent in what many would consider bliss, or at least close to it, as close to it as one could get while not having a soul (Really the only negative to the story her parents told was the fact that they never stopped telling it and so everywhere she went, regardless of how nice it was, everyone eventually learned of her back story.) Which, when she was young, quickly led to fights, and then they'd all have to pack up and head somewhere else. This went on for some time before her parents got tired of moving (before Melanie did by the way) and decided to settle down at Rhea, because, they assumed, there were so many people there to share their story with, that the odds of Melanie making an enemy of the entire city were slim, if any. They also held hopes that she would be eventually drawn towards St. Laurel's. Plus, it was in this City were Melanie lost her soul in the first place, and if anywhere could help her get it back, then it was there. However, it was at this point, when they took Melanie to visit the Church of the great theft, where their plans took an interesting turn of events. [i]When she was about to start to turn the church upside down in search of her soul, she met that there was already a group of dwellers called Vigilantes who had made said church their headquarters. Deciding to pursue the search of her soul in the church would inevitably lead to a clash with said group and being outnumbered, she opted for parley. The group was not hostile and an agreement was struck. She would help the Vigilantes, and in return they would help get back her soul.[/i] [b]Powers[/b] [i]Core Power - Empty:[/i]As was stated from, above Melanie has no soul. None. In its place, Melanie is connected to [i]her own inner world, a barren landscape existing outside of regular physics. Melanie argues that since the value of a soul cannot be measured, the space that is inside her is equally vast and thus infinite. In an attempt to fill her inner void, Melanie has gathered enough furnishings to have constructed a small castle with space and lodgings for a small score of people. Said castle also contains a myriad of objects considered art or beautiful... but that can't amount to the value of a soul, so they have minimal effect on giving her emotions. She also apparently has stocked an entire [i]armory[/i] of military ordinance, which includes even anti-air and anti-tank weaponry, for no other reason than to preserve the valuables inside her.[/i] [i]Sub-power 1 Remodel:[/i]Melanie is [i]capable of changing the conditions of the dimension she is connected to. She argues this is what was left of what others call "emotions". Presently, since she uses the space for occupation purposes she has changed the qualities to a low-moisture breathable atmosphere with a stable warm temperature. That can be changed to suit her needs. Useful in Christmas.[/i] [i]Sub-Power 2 Window: [/i]Melanie can create openings into her personal space, in a variety of shapes, that take the form of glowing white areas. There's no known limit to the size or shape she can make the openings. However, the main limit to this ability is that the floating portals [i]need to be connected to her body somehow. She can produce them in every part of her body. Most notably, she cannot phase beings with a (sentient) soul inside her this way.[/i] [i]Sub-Power 3 Door:[/i]Melanie can phase herself out of this reality into her room, but only herself [i]and whoever is holding hands with her (a chain of hands also works). Melanie and her visitors can stay inside this place until her supplies run out. Only Melanie can allow passage through this world. However, when Melanie enters, the Door she uses becomes "tethered" to the real world and cannot be moved. Changes on the real world where the tether is do no affect the placement. The Door will reappear in the same spot. [/i] [b]Relationships:[/b] [/hider] [hr]