[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180417/c890698f2f6801bddd8f7b6fd29a6bd6.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=gray] [color=#A0B3A8]"I'll... I'll check out our surroundings. Before we repair any damage, we're going to have to collect materials to make the tools."[/color] Even though the way the girl´s eyes settled on the diving equipment clued Nikolai on what she was going to say, he still felt anxious when she confirmed their course of action. He stared at another set of gear and sighed quietly in resignation. Anything related to water outside of hot baths implied great discomfort, either through salt and seaweed or chlorine and body fluids. The fact that being underwater was going to be a constant activity in his new life as a disaster survivor made him get over his petty discomfort, and so Nikolai walked over to the girl’s side saying nothing other than a calm [color=#9546a1]“Sure”.[/color] Helping his crew member get into her diving gear was a little tougher than he expected. His mind jumped from excuse to excuse as to why he struggled but the task ultimately ended up taking nothing more than common sense. Now it was his turn. The girl explicitly mentioned staying in contact via radio while both of them searched, so she obviously meant that he would join in on exploration. A quick look at the crackling devices that decorated their humble pod reassured him that staying in the pod was just as risky as swimming outside of it. Probably. Maybe. He confirmed that his crew member was suited up and ready to dive before trying to equip his own gear, which looked alright for something that survived a crash landing. Or at least it would have if it was worn properly. Stumbling around with it placed incorrectly, he quickly realized why the girl had asked for assistance. Nikolai swallowed the last bits of his pride and spoke in a quieter tone of voice. [color=#9546a1]“I´d like some help as well, uh…”[/color] The realization that neither knew each other´s names put the sentence on a pregnant pause. [/color] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180417/d711051a1ca4d3deda5e6d625b562603.png[/img][/Center][hr] [color=gray][color=#f27778]“Well…”[/color] said Hugo, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His enormous fingers were skittering across the fabricator´s digital display faster than anyone with hands his size had any right to be. The simple smile that had been on his face had disappeared and had been replaced by a frown. His dark eyes met Amari´s. [color=#f27778]“I wanted to repair this escape pod, but I do not have the tools to do it,”[/color] he said, with his hands still testing out as much of the machine as possible. [color=#f27778]“There is the option to make a repair tool for general use, but I do not have the materials.”[/color] Hugo slouched to get a better view of the fabricator´s screen and began to point and read aloud. [color=#f27778]“It says… silicone rubber… cave sulfur… and titanium!”[/color] He named the three materials with heavy emphasis and determination, with his accent applying enthusiasm to the wrong vowels. The next few seconds consisted of Hugo turning his head around to scout the pod. He was used to having an assortment of tools with either ridiculously niche or overly general uses at his disposal, so his mood dampened a bit from the frustration of being unable to help. Having exhausted this option, he resumed sifting through the menus before coming to an abrupt halt. A frown once again began to form on his usually smiling face. [color=#f27778]"This fabricator is not in a good condition. A lot of the blueprints are missing."[/color] He stared at the screen rather than at his crew member, a strange action for somebody so polite, and a reminder of the gravity of the situation that they now found themselves in. Hugo knew that the PDA he was clutching had rebooted itself in emergency mode complete with plenty of information on survival. He didn´t care for reading all of it, having been a hands on person for his entire life. Right now, his plan was to start searching their pod for anything that could help. As a former maintenance worker he had a pretty good idea as to what materials the emergency pod had, but he wanted to scour through it regardless. [color=#f27778]"We should search and see what we can work with first."[/color] declared Hugo. He was very clearly thinking hard over everything that had happened so far, and yet he spoke without a trace of negativity. [/color]