[h3][center]Alice Jefferson[/center][/h3] [center][@Shard][@RumikoOhara][@Duoya][/center] Alice Jefferson was sitting on a comfy couch in her room, watching a cooking show and drinking the warm tea she had brewed herself. It was just after breakfast and she liked the tea in the morning. She looked down at her brown tea, when suddenly the beeper device attatched to her hip vibrating and- well, beeped. The message was dire indeed. Another loony was trying to take over the world again, God knows why. While she was thinking this, she already had the sleek white boots of her battle suit on. In a moment's notice she had attatched the modern-armor to her chest, picked up the rest of her gear in her arms and began making her way down to the briefing room while strapping on a gauntlet. Attentively, she listened to the quick briefing, eager to get started. The briefing finished as she snugly fit her left hand into the final finger of her left gauntlet, it's white and gold trim reflecting the lights above. "All right, Omnicron, can you hear me?" She spoke with a friendly voice into her HIVEMIND device (ominous name for such a wonderful device). She spoke to her squadmates, Jane, Sydney, and Miles. She began striding down a long corridor, finishing putting on her armor and discussing her plan. "Jane jelly, I'd like you to sticky up those big mean robots legs, sound good? Make it hard for them to move and easy for us to hit. I can help you out with that," She shoved her hand into her right gauntlet. Winking, a cup made of shimmering, clear-as-water glass appeared in the air for Jane to hop into. It hovered along behind Alice as she speedily walk down the hallway. "Syndney, sweat pea, I'ma ask you to put a little focus on the civvies, okay? Roll the dice in favor of the people just tryna get outta the way. And maybe throw a little luck our way, too?" She finished clipping on her belt, securing the greaves of her armor firmly to herself. "Miles, honey, you do you. Aim for the bits you think is right." With that, she held the helmet of the suit out in front of her, looking at it. It resembled a combination between a motor cycle helmet and a medieval helm. It was white, and around the glass visor was gold trim. Gripping it under her arm, Alice picked up the pace to a jog. She stepped into one the elevators that would take the team downstairs and into the street, where Alice assumed a vehicle would be waiting. "Y'all ready?" She asked one last time, waiting for her teammates to enter the elevator before pressing the button. The machine took them downstairs at a rapid pace. Alice Jefferson clicked on the sleek white helmet, it's situational awareness UI coming to life. As she put the helmet on, one could catch a brief glimpse of the hardening of Alice's eyes and the tightening of a scowl on her face. [b]"Omnicron,"[/b] Victory said, [b]"Let's make this quick."[/b]