[quote=@Blackfridayrule] Ohhh spicy. That would be high treason, like of the utmost level. Does she have an Ojih? (Facial tattoos) They are not required in Azurei culture/religion but they are a choice. More often than not, people do take them. But she doesn't need to. I think we found Azurei a good foe! [/quote] She does have an Ojih, but she's contemplating marring it. After discovering a [i]Fragment[/i] revealing the existence of a previously unknown god, she converted a new religion. However, she hasn't yet discarded all the old ways, and lingering fear over her fate in the afterlife is the only reason she hasn't destroyed her Ojih. Technically, she's not a traitor, but the victim of treason. She used to be a uniquely powerful elf, very high-ranking (with your permission), and her sudden disappearance would have caused ripples in the Azurei political scene. One of her peers stripped her of her magic powers and betrayed her to the orcs, and her betrayer still walks free, identity undiscovered. I wouldn't be surprised if she was badmouthed to the Azurei, though. She holds no particular malice against her homeland, and in fact the whole reason she became leader of the orcs in the first place is because she stood up for the Azurei - it's a long story.