[@Mistiel] It's not written nearly as well as I would like - there's no real introduction, and no exploration of motivations at all. I actually intend to write that story IRL, so it's a lot more fleshed-out than that meager summary can do justice to. Orcs often raided farms and caravans for resources, and Gorman insisted on dragging Erudessa along. She would protest, but still come with them, offering behind-the-lines assistance with healing, food preparation, and resource management. Gorman would mock and scorn her endlessly for not participating directly in the fights, and even when she did join, he'd still ridicule her for attacking races that elves were normally on cordial relations with. There seemed to be no pleasing him. Since she wasn't grasping the concept he was trying to teach her, he would occasionally lead raids on other orcs who were committing atrocities. She finally figured it out when he led a full-scale assault on an elven settlement she was familiar with. Unwilling to attack people she knew and loved, she stood in the gates of the city and challenged the entire orc army. She was ready to die before letting them set foot in the gates. See, though orcs hate elves, they hate spinelessness even more, and hold a deep respect for courage. Erudessa displayed as much courage as any orc, and thereby earned their respect. For all his hard-knuckled treatment of her, Gorman had still taken care of her when she was still a powerless elf in his army, so she didn't want to kill him. Neither did he want to kill her, because the reason Gorman took her in was because he saw in her the salvation of his people. He hated how bloodthirsty the orcs had become, and Erudessa had the potential to change them. For that reason, Gorman wanted Erudessa to replace him. The only way one gains rank in orc society is to kill the one currently holding the rank. So both to test Erudessa's resolve and give her an opportunity to take his place, Gorman challenged her to a duel to the death. They fought right there in the city gates, fighting as equals for the first time. Erudessa struck him a mortal blow, and dropped him to the earth. As he lay bleeding out on the cobblestone road, he told her his intention before all his men, that he meant her to replace him. When he passed, the warband gave her their quiet deference. Thus, she became the new Captain of the warband.