[center][h1][b][color=f7976a]Devyn Haverly[/color][/b][/h1][/center] Devyn's cheeks stung with indignity at Lady Eve's childish behavior. Yeah, okay, whatever. Just ignore me. Yoou invite me to your house at midnight and get annoyed when I ask questions? Hmm? You haven't even told us your real name, "Lady Eve". I introduced myself to everyone else, didn't I? You invited me, sent me a mysterious letter to my house address and you don't even know my God damned name? Of course she does. She's just playing some kind of weird 18th century aristocratic power game because apparently this is the type of person I'll have to work with. Devyn's internal tirade displayed on her face in the form of a brief raising of an eyebrow and the vanishing of her slight smile. Eventually, Lady Eve thought it appropriate to stop giving her the cold shoulder. [color=f7976a]"Well, Lady Eve, as everyone else already knows, my name is Devyn Haverly. Pleasure to meet you."[/color] The smile returned in the form of a smirk and when Lady Eve looked away Devyn tried to make eye contact with the other woman who decided to ask questions first. She raised both of her eyebrows quickly, in rapid succession, as if to say, [i]"Look at this bigshot"[/i] in regards to Lady Eve. Devyn then noted her overuse of eyebrow related expression and cooled off a little bit. Then the noblewoman left the mere commoners to talk amongst themselves as she played yet another power game, standing creepily in the corner, asking them to ignore her like a gothic camp counseler. Of course, Devyn was still very much interested in the offer, so she went along with their hostess's game anyway. The woman named Erin who had apparently taken a strange affection to Morgan, who "didn't know her", immediately jumped to Alonzo for some reason. [color=f7976a]"Well, okay, it's not me."[/color] Devyn said bluntly, still put off by Lady Eve. She didn't think it was Elizabeth because of Lady Eve's apparent offense at the both of tem, or the kid, but it might be Erin. Erin was weird, just like Lady Eve, but the whole Morgan thing was throwing her off. Alonzo asked reasonable questions, and hinted at himself not having a passport. Lady Eve then informed him of the information he wanted to know. He asked a lot of questions, reasonable ones, and seemed a stranger to Lady Eve. Mallaidh was way too awkward and unsure of herself to me the mole. Either that, or she was a phenominal actress and Devyn was totally fine with being duped by someone so talented. That left Ross, but Devyn caught a glimpse of the total surprise when he saw Lady Eve's demon. Again, either he was surprised, or a phenomical actor. So, Devyn concluded in her mind, that left only one person who had the biggest chance of being the mole. Herself. She was there first, so the others would have an easier time believing her dialogue was scripted. She asked some questions that were not specific to herself, like some kind of expository plant. She thought she hid her annoyance at Lady Eve's actions pretty well, so they could think that was scripted too, or some kind of double bluff. Not to mention that she accidentally just said it wasn't her, even though that's [i]exactly[/i] what the mole would say. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Devyn decided to come in low and slow. [color=f7976a]"So, Mallaidh," [/color]Devyn said quietly, turning to face her as the others talked in an attempt to have a side conversation. [color=f7976a]"You okay over there? Little nervous?"[/color] Devyn's question was friendly enough, though one skilled at reading people might see in her eyes that although Devyn was genuinely attempting to be cordial and start small talk, it was also calculated. [color=f7976a]"I'm a little nervous myself," [/color]Devyn lied with a nervous chuckle. [color=f7976a]"This whole thing feels like a dinner-theater."[/color]