[center] [h2][color=82ca9d]Sorrin Lucielle[/color][/h2] [sub]Bride of Heccarim [@ClocktowerEchos]; Sister-Bride to [color=9bd9e3]Arden[/color] [@Pupperr][/sub] [sub]Interacting with [color=82ca9d]Heccarim[/color] and [color=9bd9e3]Arden[/color][/sub] [/center] Gazing down at the metalwork that bound her and her sister-bride, Sorrin’s face clearly displayed her distress. She fidgeted with the shackles on her wrists with the feeble hope that they would either loosen or fall off completely. Obviously, neither were to be the case. While the man circled them once again, he took to answering their question of his title with what sounded more like a figure of myth than a proper name. Regardless, Sorrin would try to remember it to the best of her abilities. He was, after all, not a myth but a man… A very real man at that, standing before her and Arden with the pair tethered to him in chains. It didn’t take much longer for the Grave Warden’s checks to be complete, his satisfaction marked by the sudden tugging on her wrists. Stumbling forward in surprise she scampered after the man, the sound of the rustling chains unnerving her as they moved along. Much to the youth’s dismay, the rain had yet to let up, plummeting the temperatures far below anything she was used to back home. She ended up thinking to herself that it wasn’t as bad as the keep they had been staying in previously, but it still was not ideal. The group moved from shadow to shadow, the man leading them wishing to remain hidden for whatever reason. Sorrin didn’t mind this so much, as most of the shadows were created by awnings and coverings that shielded them from the falling rain. By the time they reached the walls that signaled the edge of the city, Sorrin had already began to feel rather damp and a chill had already started in. The young girl shivered as they were dragged from their position out into the open, continuing to march on into the desert despite the falling rain. At this point Sorrin’s breath escaped her in small tufts of vapor, vanishing as quickly as they appeared before her. Without any obstacles in his way, and clearly a destination he wanted to reach quickly, the girl’s keeper found no reason to lessen his pace. Both girls were quite small in comparison to the man, their shorter legs working overtime just to keep up. Glancing over out of the corner of her eye, Sorrin noted that Arden was having difficulties keeping up with the pace set, the chains helping none in her case. Sorrin, on the other hand, had all but broken out into a run and still found herself struggling to keep upright. If they continued on in that manner for much longer, Sorrin was certain she was going to find herself being dragged after the ‘Grave Warden’. Coming to a swift halt, Sorrin barely recovered herself in enough time to avoid running head first into the back of the stationary man. The rain continued pouring down and by this point her teeth were chattering, the girl almost wishing that they had kept moving if only to warm her frozen body slightly. Producing a bell from somewhere on his person, Sorrin moved to cover her ears, though the task was only half accomplished due to the restraints. The sound sent an unearthly chime down her spine separate from the weather, a cold pit of fear settling in her stomach. From the darkness came a carriage unlike any she had ever seen, a sight that nearly made Sorrin shriek. Tethered to the back was what she assumed to be a body, difficult to tell considering the cloth wrapped around it, however she couldn’t imagine anything else with what she had learned of Drakkan-kind. Small creatures hobbled their way around the carriage, calling out to the man they referred to as Master. [i][color=82ca9d]Grave Warden? Master? These aren’t proper names at all! It’s worse than the nameless ‘High Prince’. Don’t Drakken get names?[/color][/i] She thought to herself, shifting from foot to foot in order to keep moving. Before long they were allowed onto the carriage and out of the rain, her drenched clothing helping her condition none but at least it was covered. She did her best to ignore the cloth-wrapped object as she climbed inside after her new husband, forced to take a seat opposite him. At least she was allowed to by Arden, though with them being chained the way they were she wondered why she assumed it would have been any other way. Upon the windows being boarded up, Sorrin tensed, a feeling of being trapped beginning to set in. Her heart began racing, her chest already on fire from the half-sprint it took her to reach the destination. Her shaking hands were camouflaged by the constant shivering, her arms covered with goosebumps as her hair dripped icy water down her back. She barely heard a word as the man spoke, certain that it was threats or rules of some kind that they would have to follow now that they were under his care. Sorrin had already forgotten the man’s full title, there was no way she would remember a list of rules. Instead she focused on her breathing, finding a center to keep her from falling into panic. Usually she would hum a little tune, but with the scary man talking, she didn’t think it a good time less she wanted to be beaten for not taking things seriously. It seemed that Arden did not share those fears, however, her voice briefly breaking through Sorrin’s clouded consciousness. She sounded so bold, so fearless, so… suicidal. Arden spoke back to the Warden in a similar fashion that he spoken to them. Going so far as to even throw back his own phrases, she wondered how such a girl had survived this long. Listening to her sister-bride challenge the man struck a chord, her panic rising over the edge in the fear that Arden would be punished for speaking out so disrespectfully. “[color=82ca9d]EXCUSE ME SIR?![/color]” She blurted out, much louder than she had intended. Her eyes shot open wide, fear filling them completely. Small droplets of water formed at the outer corners of her eyes, rolling down her face as she took in the terrifying sight of the man before her. Sorrin wasn’t entirely sure why she spoke out as she really had nothing to say. She wasn’t like Arden, she couldn’t throw demands around like she had a say in any of this. Just the act of blurting out the first line was enough to nearly stop her already pittering heart. Falling further into panic she looked around confused, wondering what to do next. Returning to her usual, sheepish expression, Sorrin played with her hands in her lap and refused to make eye contact with anyone as she finally spoke back up. “[color=82ca9d]Um… Well, I-um… I was wondering…[/color]” She stammered, swallowing the lump in her throat and clenching her eyes. “[color=82ca9d]I was wondering what your real name was![/color]” Sorrin finally blurted out, glancing upward fearfully. “[color=82ca9d]Well, what I mean… I uuuh…. I mean, Grave Warden isn’t really, well you see… It’s not a proper name by anyone’s standards. Clearly it’s a title, a very cool title to be sure, but it’s just a title. Like a stage name that actors use, it’s not real. You must have a real name, everyone does, so I was wondering if you would tell us what it is because Warden something or other of Land of Kor is just really long and I’m never going to remember it and calling you just Warden is… Well it’s boring. So umm, well, will you tell us?[/color]” Somehow the entirety of what Sorrin spoke was said in a single breath, the girl not stopping until she reached the end despite her hesitations and panicked babbling. She settled back down in her seat, her shaking beginning to calm some now that she had found something other than the enclosed box she was sitting in. “[color=82ca9d]Please?[/color]” She followed up, after all, she was not raised without her manners. [hider=Summary] Sorrin is short. Slow dooooown. Also super nervous, you put her in a box and she doesn’t like boxes so now you are stuck with her really confused, run on sentence of a question requesting the real name cause his name is long and confusing and boring all at the same time. P.S. Isn’t she just the cutest tho? [/hider]