[@Lmpkio] Whelp, good thing I don't need to judge you right now, then, because I'm currently unsure if I want to let you call forth griffins into existence in a world that don't seem to have any. There's no real harm in letting them exist, really, so I could allow it, but, heh. The principles. Edit: I considered it for a while, and I came to the conclusion that... Sure. Rare breed of Wyvern? Sure. Wyverns are native to Grado, but Jehanna's right alongside them and who's to say they can't travel a bit. Also, there has to be different breeds of Wyverns like there are different breeds of any animal, we're just not keeping track of them. That is totally fine. [sub][sub]What I actually have more problem with is his mother's occupation. Sure, gritty realism and all that, but it's something that would never actually come up in a Fire Emblem game and I kind of want to hold true to that. I'd rather she was a petty criminal or something. Hah.[/sub][/sub] [@Eklispe] Ooh. Happy to have you. Heh. For everyone else's information, Eklispe along with Apollosarcher were players first time I tried this that are still around, and as such get free invites. Also, I like them, and that's a plus. [sub]Edit: And yes, I was making a reference to that exact scene, thank you for noticing. XD[/sub]